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4 Reasons Why Your Dog is Rubbing its Face on the Carpet

 af jaime den 14. jul 2014 |
Many dog owners have dealt with the confusion (and frustration) of seeing the family dog walk into the living room and rub its face in the carpet, usually right after the room has been vacuumed. Many dog owners are at a loss when it comes to explaining this common behavioral trait. So what does it mean when your dog is rubbing its face into the carpet? Is something bothering the dog? Does it just have an itch?
Just cleaning up a bit
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Infektioner, allergier og mider
Velkommen Jessica
Allergies in dogs often manifest as extreme itchiness. When you catch your dog incessantly rubbing its face in the carpet, it could be the result of a new product in the household environment that is causing an allergic reaction. If you've recently switched its food or started using new cleaners, that could be at the root of the face rubbing.
Ear mites are pesky parasites that nest in a dog's ear. Ear mite infections cause intense discomfort in your dog's ears and prompt an intense desire to itch. Rubbing its face in the carpet or against furniture is the best relief your dog can find in many cases. Keep an eye on any increase in face rubbing, as a serious infestation could create high levels of discomfort in your dog.
Why not?
Nogle gange nyder din hund bare at gnide ansigtet i tæppet. Der behøver ikke altid være en grund til, at din hund gnider sit ansigt i tæppet. Nogle gange finder hunde simpelthen, at kløe deres ansigter i tæppet er en sjov sensation, og de vil gøre det bare fordi det er sjovt. Som med enhver kæledyrsadfærd, vil du være i stand til hurtigt at bestemme, om det bliver gjort for sjov eller fordi noget er galt, hvis du holder øje med hyppigheden af ansigtets gnidning.


Linda Shaffer - Comment
Linda Shaffer19. august 2016Reply
Kan denne ansigtsgnidning være forårsaget af en dårlig tand? Eller tandproblemer?
Gordon  - Comment
Gordon 19. august 2016Reply
Mike - Comment
Mike29. maj 2017Reply
Min hund gnider næsen for at fjerne mad, der sidder fast i hendes næsebor.
Maddaddy  - Comment
Maddaddy 7. juni 2017Reply
My Westie is DoinG it for FUN of it... it normally happens after an energized episode... Comming in from an outside romp.. after chasing the stuffed hedgehog,
Efter et jordnøddesmørben.. får du billedet..
Cody W. - Comment
Cody W.7. juni 2017Reply
Yes! So does my dog. They're just being playful. =)
Bron Dodson - Comment
Bron Dodson09 Jul 2017Reply
My dog has just vomited heaps of dry food and then after eating grass wetter vomit. She is rubbing both sides of her face along the grass and now the carpet. She's also scratching behind her ear. Ive checked for a tick or something there but I'm puzzled. Help?
Adam - Comment
Adam09 Jul 2017Reply
It could be a tumor called a nasal caudal frontal mass, consider a vet neurologist
Rylee A - Comment
Rylee A12 Jul 2017Reply
My dog as well has just vomited heaps of dry food and then after eating grass wetter vomit. Won't touch his food at all. Hi is rubbing both sides of his face along the grass and now the carpet. He's also scratching behind his ears. He constantly sits in the sun an then will run his face on the grass after a while. Ive checked for a tick or something there but Nothing is found.. Help please this has been going on for a week or so.. I've given him baths and ear cleaning but it continues.. He's also been having bad breath along with runny nose and eye boogers that are ether hard or greenish an oozing.
Michelle  - Comment
Michelle 12 Jul 2017Reply
Your dog has an infection. Please get him to a veterinarian ASAP!!
Atif - Comment
Atif12 Jul 2017Reply
Giv ham pandolsirup med kombination med citrazin og cefixim blandet med vand eller mælk i fem dage en gang om dagen
Rocky Reed - Comment
Rocky Reed13 Jul 2017Reply
My boxer had the same problem. Scratching behind his ears and the sides of his nose til they bled. Rubbing his face and ears on the carpet. Violently shaking his head from side to side; whimpering and crying out in anguish and pain. Also there was a "corn chips" smell coming from his ears (telltale sign of yeast infection) The vet said no mites, no fleas, but turns out to be a yeast infection and allergies from his food. Kibbles n bits. (Main ingredient is corn) we stopped feeding him that and instead feed him mostly grain free dog food and some plain yogurt once in a while. Also had to bathe him more frequently using a shampoo specifically to kill fungus. We just had to make sure not to dry up the oil on his skin or coat so gave him alaskan Salmon Oil ( they sell it at Walmart) Couldn't believe the difference in such a short amount of time. Stay strict with his diet and bathe him more frequently until yeast infection is completely gone. No SUGARS
Yvonne murphy - Comment
Yvonne murphy16 Jul 2017Reply
My jack Russell had eight teeth out she's a rescue dog so not sure what she had been fed prior to us adopting her she must now be doing it for fun or to clean her face as she's still doing this
William Leasure - Comment
William Leasure19 Jul 2017Reply
Our Scrappy Doo is a 7 year old chiweenee.(Dashound & Chee-Wa-Wa) Rubbing mug in floor/ grass till bloody/injured and completely disturbed in pain. He also has excessive licking between the toes. However if you examine your pet you'll know. Scrappy is short hair and over maintence so he don't allow bugs on board.
Your dog having these symptoms needs diet regulation.
Scrappy ate human food and I'm responsible just trying to help.
Michelle  - Comment
Michelle 19 Jul 2017Reply
Sounds like the poor thing is suffering from severe allergies! I hope you are able to bring her to the vet as soon as possible!!
mr wibble - Comment
mr wibble29 Jul 2017Reply
Min hund gør dette efter en kylling vindaloo
iona - Comment
iona29 Jul 2017Reply
I suggest you do not give your dog vindaloo anymore. He has a very sensitive mouth like all dogs, and the spice is too much for him as well as not being good for him. As the poem by Pam Ayres goes:
Love is like a curry and i'll explain it to you,
That love comes in three flavours, cold, hot, and vindaloo.
Of course it's like a curry,
It cannot be denied,
For both are full of spice and both have dishes on the side.
- Pam Ayres

so my simple advice to you is if you love your dog, don't give him any more vindaloo.
Common sense  - Comment
Common sense 25. august 2017Reply
Take ur dog to the vet for goodness sakes
Baloo - Comment
Baloo26. august 2017Reply
My yorkie is doing this? He just started it 3 days ago I have treated him for fleas but he is acting really strange. He keeps rubbing on the couch and his bed, I'm feeling helpless just now. He's always good health and happy now he's frustrated and looks depressed some times. Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance.
2 dog parent - Comment
2 dog parent26. august 2017Reply
I would suggest checking for possibility of yeast infection. There are over the counter shampoos for yeast, etc. Or call your Vet.
Wiggs - Comment
Wiggs17. september 2017Reply
If you have a small dog that rubs his head on the carpet, won't eat hard food, has bad breath then have his teeth checked. My adopted havanese had a severe tooth infection causing him to lose 32 of his 42 teeth.
De - Comment
De25 Oct 2017Reply
I just rescued a yorkiepoo that does this often and with gusto. Most of the time she's a chill little pup but man sometimes she just goes for it rubbing her face on the floor.

I don't know much of her history before me, she's 2ish months old and I just took her to the vet yesterday for a health check. She's 100% healthy. So I think it's just a weird stimulating thing for her. She also hides under my coffee table. She's weird. Lol.
Snowly2 - Comment
Snowly228 Nov 2017Reply
My dog keeps rubbing his face against the carpet,
he does not like doing this as when he does on accident he stops but now I see my golden retriever rubbing his face all the time could there be an explanation?
Stella - Comment
Stella26. december 2017Reply
Så min hund gør det, når hun er blevet sat i køkkenet, og vi slipper hende ud af det. Er det bare hyperaktivitet?
Giannina - Comment
Giannina3. januar 2018Reply
My pug is almost 2 years old, he rubs his face on the carpet or couch, recently he's developed a bit of hair loss, and redness on his upper lip from doing this, this morning he bled a bit as well. He has abit of a runny nose, but I read that if the discharge is clear then not to worry about it, only worry if its green or yellow. I thought the runny nose was causing the redness and it would stop soon, but now he's bleeding and I'm worried.

Hvordan kan jeg afhjælpe dette? er en tur til dyrlægen nødvendig?
2 dog parent - Comment
2 dog parent3. januar 2018Reply
Poor baby. If he is bleeding I suggest the Vet, before it gets infected. I believe it could be a yeast infection. Maybe even an ear infection. Just possibilities.
Tracey meaghan  - Comment
Tracey meaghan 04. februar 2018Reply
Min hund er en krydsning mellem en shitzu og en mops, han har meget pelset rundt om hans. Jeg skar ham rundt om hans ansigt, han har ikke længe været behandlet for en ørebetændelse, men han gnider stadig sit ansigt på tæpper, jo bedre der er ideer til, hvordan han kan hjælpe en 3 år gammel redning
Angela - Comment
Angela04. februar 2018Reply
Min 2-årige shih tzu gør det samme. Jeg har haft hende til dyrlægen flere gange og de siger hun er rask og de ved ikke hvad det skyldes. Vi har haft hende siden hun var 6 uger gammel og har ikke skiftet mad eller noget som helst. Jeg bekymrer mig om hende, men jeg ved heller ikke, hvad jeg skal gøre for at afhjælpe problemet.
Kendra - Comment
Kendra04. februar 2018Reply
Jeg har det samme løbende problem med min shihpoo. Han er ekstremt kløende lige i det lille område, hvor hans korte snude/næse vender opad. Ikke på hans egentlige næse, men hvor hans pels er på toppen. Jeg er rådvild. Dyrlægen sagde, at det bare er irriteret hud og for at holde hans hår kort og rent. Det har ikke hjulpet. Han vil ikke engang lade os klappe hans hoved længere. Så trist, og jeg ved bare ikke, hvad der sker.
Laura - Comment
Laura07. februar 2018Reply
Hi all I need some help. I just rescued a cute little chi that I'm sure she's mixed but not sure with what. She keeps rubbing her face on the carpet, wont dog food, she has thrown up food twice. I called my vet but he's not back until Friday. Any suggestions? Ive bathed her - she has no ticks or fleas. I checked her ears and she has no signs of irritation or infection. Any suggestions or help is appreciated!
Frank - Comment
Frank15. februar 2018Reply
Sikke et lort! Ørebetændelse? Næsten! De gør det, fordi det føles godt. Uanset om det er på tæppe, græs eller endda i sneen. Det er klart, at du promoverer dyrlæger og mener, at folk skal være useriøse med deres penge.
Ren's Mom - Comment
Ren's Mom15. februar 2018Reply
Hvorfor så snæversynet? Selvom det er rigtigt, at hunde elsker en god ansigtsgnidning på gulvtæppet, sengen, græsset osv., er der andre ledsagende adfærd, der kan have en meget anden betydning. Hvis en hund f.eks. gnider sig til det bløder, tyder det ikke på glæde. Min Spitz-pom nyder en god ansigtsgnidning ret ofte, men på det seneste har han klynket og rystet, mens han har blinket med det ene øje. Selvom han har været kendt for at gø eller grynte, mens han "gnider", klynker han ikke eller ryster, når han er glad. Disse er tegn på en form for nød. Da han er kendt for at have sæsonbestemt allergi, ville jeg være tilbøjelig til at tro, at han kløede, før han troede, at han hyggede sig. Hvis man forstår deres pelsbaby, skal der ikke være et spørgsmål om, hvad der er sjovt, og hvad der er ubehageligt og har brug for en dyrlæges opmærksomhed.
Roscoe - Comment
Roscoe15. februar 2018Reply
You are so right..My dog is %100 healthy and loves to rub his pretty face in grass all the time. Its a possible instinct they have to mask their odor as well as to massage his face..
Tania Farries - Comment
Tania Farries24. februar 2018Reply
Jeg ville være meget taknemmelig for nogle råd. Du nævner i din artikel om hunde, der gnider deres ansigt en morgen. Mit laboratorium Poppy gnider kun sin hage om morgenen, helt overdrevent, og så kradser den måske et par gange om dagen. Hun har fået taget blodprøver, som viser, at hun er allergisk over for sæsonbestemt pollen, flerårige mider/skimmelsvampe og loppespyt. Hun har også fødevareallergi, men blodprøven sagde ikke hvad (250 £). Jeg har gjort alt, hvad jeg kan for at fjerne allergierne, men stadig kradser hun. Jeg satte hende på en raw food diæt for et år siden og spekulerede på, om hun kunne reagere på kødet i hendes ansigt? Bare et langskud. Jeg spekulerede på, om du vidste noget om bare at gnide hagen? Åh og hun slikker sin vulva en del. Tak Tania 😊
wewew - Comment
wewew27. februar 2018Reply
hun spiser på mit tæppe!!
Ray  - Comment
Ray 08 marts 2018Reply
My dog is freaking out rubbing her face the only thing different I givin her is crackers with peanut butter could
IRANI - Comment
IRANI29 marts 2018Reply
Estou aflita para conseguir uma solução para o meu cachorro para de esfregar o focinho inteiro quando faz seu xixi. Não entendo o pq ele faz isso, fico muito brava pq esta todo limpinho veio do banho e quando ele vai no tapete higiênico faz xixi e esfrega o focinho fica fedido com o pelo horrível. Por favor alguém consegue me ajudar?
Anonymous - Comment
Anonymous30 marts 2018Reply
Min hund har gnedet sit ansigt på tæppet og slikket sine poter. Ørerne er helt rene som kontrolleret af dyrlægen. Jeg kan ikke forstå, hvad der er galt?
Kim - Comment
Kim17. april 2018Reply
Hi,. My shorkie is backwards sneezing at night. She also coughs to clear her passages when coming from outside. The worrisome thing for me is at night she moves from her bed to sleep on the floor. She's always been very healthy and she just turn five. Grateful for any answers. We just lost our 14 year old terrier could it be a reaction? Thanks in advance 😃
Dranny - Comment
Dranny16. maj 2018Reply
Jeg googlede et spørgsmål for at vide, hvorfor min reddede, 4-årige beagle gnider sin næse på gulvtæppet, sofaen, puderne og sit tæppe på gulvet. Det ser ud til at han nyder at gøre det, enten efter at have været udenfor, eller når han vågner om morgenen eller efter en lang lur. Indtil videre ser det ud til, at han leger eller lægger sin duft på gulvet. Når han gør det, vil jeg sige til ham "kløende næse" i et minut eller deromkring, og han bliver meget legesyg selv med legende gøen eller grynt. Jeg var bare spændt på, om der var andre, der havde det her, og hvorfor de gør det. Han spiser tør- og dåsemad, som regel fri for korn. Og han deler en banan med mig de fleste morgener og en bid eller to af det, jeg spiser. Jeg er ked af det for dem af jer, der har kæledyr, der har skader. Det værste der er sket siden jeg fik ham, er at han er enormt separationsangst. Jeg har givet ham halvdelen af min sovepille (efter råd fra hans dyrlæge), beroligende tabletter og en tordenskjorte. Han har været så ked af at blive lagt i sin bærer, at han beskadigede og brækkede flere af sine fortænder af, mens han forsøgte at komme ud. Vi elsker alle vores pelsbørn og ønsker kun det bedste for dem.
Sarah Oneill  - Comment
Sarah Oneill 7. juni 2018Reply
Hej, jeg har brug for råd/hjælp. Jeg har siddet hundepasser i omkring to uger i løbet af de sidste par dage, han har været hyper og til aften gnider han konstant ansigtet mod gulvtæppet, og det har fået ham til at kaste op, han er så hypet
Sharon  - Comment
Sharon 7. juni 2018Reply
Min mops hund gnider ansigtet på gulvtæppet og ryster på hovedet han ser slet ikke glad ud jeg er bekymret for ham hvad kan det være
Steve - Comment
Steve7. juni 2018Reply
Jeg er fortabt, ved ikke hvad jeg skal gøre for min pige, Shepard hun gnider konstant sin næse, på mig tæppe, møbler. Dette er mere end bare en kløe. Vi bemærker, at hun mistede sine to tæer ved at spille frisbee, da hun prøvede at samle sit legetøj op, kunne det være årsagen.
Feto - Comment
Feto30. august 2018Reply
Min hund løber med ansigtet i gulvtæppet, hver gang han kommer hjem fra en aften med hasardspil og druk, men jeg formoder, at han også ser en prostitueret, når han går ud, hvordan end han nægter det, når jeg spørger ham. Er det alkoholen eller kunne hr have hentet en vd fra ubeskyttet sex. Skulle jeg overhovedet lade min unge voksne hund gå ud og feste på ryggen om natten.
Tom wiessnee - Comment
Tom wiessnee02. september 2018Reply
Mine forældre, 13-årige Boston, gennemgik i sidste uge en episode med alvorlig savlen, øjne, der svajede hurtigt fra side til side, balanceproblemer og skævt hoved. Tog hende tydeligvis direkte til dyrlægen, de fleste symptomer er faldet af, har stadig en lille hældning til hovedet og balancen er stadig lidt dårligere. Hun ser ud til at forbedre sig lidt hver dag. Men i dag gned hun sin næse så meget på tæppet, at porerne på hendes næse begyndte at bløde. Nogen forslag?
Lesley - Comment
Lesley02. september 2018Reply
That's CVD or Canine Vestibular Disease. Needs to see the vet; antibiotics, antihistamines, going to need a lot of support and tlc. The dog's organs of balance have been compromised, deep within the ears; the horizon has gone. Recovery is possible. It's not a 'stroke', which many owners think it is. No slippery floors, put down mats, assist with feeding and drinking, support whilst outside, remove any objects that the dog might crash into. The eye movements are called nystagmus. Google canine vestibular disease, lots of support out there.
Regiane Fleury Meirelles  - Comment
Regiane Fleury Meirelles 18. september 2018Reply
Tenho um Pug de 1 ano e meio e sempre vejo ele esfregando a carinha na cama e nas cobertas e tb coçando muito os dois ouvidos. Cheirei para ver se era infecção mas não tem cheiro forte...será que o soro fisiológico é o suficiente para limpar?
Michelle - Comment
Michelle06. maj 2019Reply
Hello my name is michelle and I have a problem with my dog she’s a boxer and she tends to rub her face on the rugs and plus the outside grass in dirt and she comes back inside my house and I see her eyes are covered in blood sometimes and I tend to help her by cleaning her ears with wipes and plus read remedies that kills ear mites like garlic with olive oil and I put the liquid for ear mites and she go’s and keeps on doing the exact thing every day rub everything if I don’t walk her or watch her what should I do ohh and she has a big black patch on the side of her skin and idk if it’s an allergic reaction to her food idk like I buy her the healthy dog food like bentiful and can food like ol’roy sometimes other foods like natural recipes
Elmar  - Comment
Elmar 13. maj 2019Reply
HELP!!! My mini poodle was born half blind and the only thing that the breeder and vet could come up with is that it’s genetics...(we had him fixed so it would not happen anymore to another dog near us) but he’s been rubbing his eye on the carpet some mornings and nights and I took him out the other day and he started rubbing his eye on the CONCRETE PARKING LOT!!!! I stopped him immediately and asked my mother who works with the vet what to do and she was lost because we don’t know exactly 100% what it is that’s caused his condition. So we tried childerens benedryl and prescription eye drops for him and it helped the first couple of days then it stopped working and that’s how we got to him rubbing it on concrete. His right eye is completely white from the time he opened his eyes and his left eye looks like half of it is rolled back, so he can see about 10-15%. but for the first 4 months he didn’t blink at all he closed his eyes a little when he slept but after the 4 months it’s almost like he gained his sensitivity and he used to not even feel pain or react to it, I mean needles/injections, walking into metal poles or running full speed into a door plenty of times he just keeps on we even tested him by pinching near tender skin and it was almost like he didn’t even know. But after he turned 5 months old it was almost like having a non disabled dog he could walk with me off the leash and potty training was going great and now he doesn’t leave my side and seems really agitated near his eyes and just rubs them constantly please help me figure out what might be wrong he’s 6 and a half months now and I want him with me for as long as possible
Marla Houseman - Comment
Marla Houseman22 Jul 2019Reply
Could rubbing face be from stress, not allergies?
Ross Kincaid - Comment
Ross Kincaid13 Nov 2019Reply
Just sprayed flea killer on top rear of dog. His fur is so thick that fleas never are affected by normal application. I tried a brand of spray and my dog rubbed his face in the carpet and grass for 30 min strait. The did not go anywhere near his head but obviously he was affected
Warren Carroll - Comment
Warren Carroll7. juni 2020Reply
My female Jack Russell does this after eating sometimes! I thought she did it as a sign she really enjoyed what she was eating but cleaning her face makes more sense!
Sue Jones - Comment
Sue Jones13 Jul 2020Reply
Our lab suffers from irritation under his chin and will throw himself on the floor and slide his jawline along the carper - any ideas what I can use on him to help?
Nitin Devnani - Comment
Nitin Devnani18. september 2020Reply
I have a 1 year old Lab, he was rubbing his nose and was not sitting idle and having breathing problem, when i went to vet, he told the dog was having anaphylactic shock and you have come to me in right time. So i don’t know what cause my lab to have serious allergy. Any suggestion on how to find allergy source that caused it. ?
Nancy - Comment
Nancy01. december 2020Reply
My terrier sits with her nose flat on the floor or the rug and doesn’t move for a while. This is something I have never seen before. I wonder if any one else has had this happen and if they know why. She is 4 months old
Wilton Carter - Comment
Wilton Carter12. december 2020Reply
4 yr old healthy Pug who, for many times of the day, rubs face on carpet and couch. Acts if it may be his ears but Vet says the ears are ok. He rubs up against my pant legs regularly,
Wonder if this may be due to some allergy?
Deep - Comment
Deep3. januar 2021Reply
My little Yorkie Poo 9 months old and as soon as we go out he starts rolling on his back on Lawn. Is this a normal for puppy's.? He also do rub his face on couch on rug right after he finish eating. Is this something to be concerned about?
Deanie - Comment
Deanie7. juni 2021Reply
My 3yr old Chihuahua seems to enjoy rubbing his face on carpet and throw rugs.. He does mostly after eating.. Thought it might be from food getting stuck in his teeth so I rub his jaws forward & he opens his mouth like hes yawning We started calling it "wash that face" & the more we repeat the more he does it.He is a long hair chi mix so after reading all these post I've come to conclusion it's a grooming habit.

Eros - Comment
Eros31 Jul 2021Reply
My dogs rub their faces in the carpet after their baths! Even after drying them, they still do it. But actually they could be rubbing their ears along the carpet to get the water out, just how we tilt our heads and shake to get water out of our ear canals. I saw some videos where groomers pull hair out of a few dogs' ear canals because the hair were irritating, causing the dogs to be in a unpleasant mood. After the hair were removed, the dogs deposition were improved. So look closely at your pet and see if he/she is rubbing face or ears. Ear infections are common in pets and should be looked into more often.
Bill - Comment
Bill11 Oct 2022Reply
Could my dog’s excessive facial rubbing be caused by eating peanut butter?
Robert  - Comment
Robert 07. december 2023Reply
My dog is so sensitive. If you pat her she absolutely loves it more than Normal. Her chest and her back area. She also sits and will turn and whine but she doesn't shoot just slightly turns to the side. She is a rescue and had a good evaluation at the vet. Thank for reading.
Robert  - Comment
Robert 07. december 2023Reply
I entered a comment already but can't find where it went.
Le - Comment
Le02. august 2024Reply
Muy buen articulo. Agradezco haberlo leido. Ya tengo la idea de lo que pudo suceder con mi Boarder Collie. Sucede que lavando el garage, mate un cienpies rojo y grande. Al cabo de unas horas, mi Boarder llego e inmediatamente olió el sitio donde pisé el cienpies. En ese mismo instante mi perra tuvo una reaccion inmediata de arquear su espalda como estremeciendose, a lo cual, un tanto desconcertada y en una rapida reación, ella bajo su rostro al piso y miré como si estuviera tratando de impregnarse de ese olor. Como si le causara una emoción, mas no se si negativa o positiva, o tal vez erotica... no lo sé. Y ahora que lo pienso, ¿estaria tratando de matar ella misma al insecto? despues de unos dos o tres minutos, ella volvio a la normalidad de siempre. y regreso al sitio del olor como 3 veces nadamas.

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