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Tegn på, at din hund har en krise i Addison

 Fastgør ikke til hunde med hudlæsioner.
En Addisonisk krise er resultatet af udiagnostiseret Addisons sygdom hos hunde. Hvis din hund ikke får øjeblikkelig lægehjælp, kan hun dø af flere organsvigt. Den sværeste del om Addisons sygdom er at vide, at dit kæledyr har den. Skiltene er subtile, og det tager en opmærksom hundeejer at se ændringerne. Når først diagnosen er diagnosticeret, håndteres Addisons sygdom let til en rimelig pris. Her er nogle fortællende tegn på, at din hund kan have en Addisonian krise.
Hvad er Addisons sygdom?
Addisons sygdom er en genetisk lidelse, hvor din hunds binyrerne ikke længere producerer de hormoner, der er nødvendige for at tackle stress. Sygdommen rammer for det meste kvindelige hunde, og den giver ikke symptomer før omkring fem år.
At tage lange gåture, nye hunde i huset, folk, der bevæger sig ind og ud og en ændring af miljøet, er alle triggere til din hunds stress. Normalt udskiller din hunds binyrerne glukokortikoider for at håndtere stress. Foruden glukokortikoider frigiver binyrerne også mineralocorticoider for at afbalancere elektrolytter. Når disse steroider ikke udskilles under stress, er din hund ikke i stand til at håndtere det, elektrolytter bliver ubalanceret, og din hunds hjerte og nyrer ophører med at fungere. Resultatet er en tragedie, men du kan undgå det ved at skynde din hund til en akutdyrlæge, der kan stabilisere dit kæledyr.
Tegn på en krise
For at identificere symptomer skal du kende din hunds opførsel. Selv veterinærer fortæller dig, at Addisons sygdom er en ekstremt vanskelig lidelse at diagnosticere, medmindre dyrlægen ved at tage blodarbejde. Først vil din hund sandsynligvis være mere sløv. Hvis din hund normalt følger dig rundt i huset, stopper hun sandsynligvis og ligger der, mens du bevæger dig rundt.
Dernæst mister din hund appetitten og viser tegn på anoreksi. Hun prøver måske at spise, men så snart hun spiser, kaster hun det op. Diarré er også et problem. Mellem diarré og opkast bliver hunden farligt dehydreret.
Hvis du sover med din hund, er et andet mærkbart tegn ryster. Hunden ryster som om hun er kold eller syg. Hun prøver måske at sove tæt på dig for varme, men hun ryster og vågner dig.
Hvad der kan smide hundeejere væk, er at hunden stadig vil drikke vand regelmæssigt. Hun vil endda gå regelmæssigt. Selvom hun ikke vil gå langt, og når hun går, vil hun måske endda sætte sig ned. Din hunds adfærd vil være generelt sløv, uanset aktiviteten.
Hvis der er nogle af disse symptomer hos din hund, er det bydende nødvendigt, at du straks tager hunden til en dyrlæge. Hvis det er nattetid, skal du finde en akutdyrlæge i dit område. Hunde, der gennemgår en Addisonian krise, vil kollapse hurtigt, så det er vigtigt at handle hurtigt.
Behandling af Addisons sygdom
Hvis du hurtigt får din hund til dyrlægen, vil dyrlægen give hunden væsker, medicin og stabilisere hende. Afhængig af, hvor kritisk tilstanden er, kunne hunden have natrium- og kaliumubalance, et hjertemusling og svigtede nyrer.
Når din hund er stabiliseret, kan du som regel tage hende hjem efter et par dage. Din hund vil være afhængig af to medicin: Prednison og Percorten. Din hund tager daglige doser Prednison. Doseringen bestemmes af din dyrlæge. Percorten-skud gives hver måned. Percorten er den dyrere behandling, men du kan købe flasken til omkring $ 200 og få dyrlægen til at give din hund et skud for omkring $ 10 pr. Besøg. Percorten-flasken vil vare flere måneder for en lille hund. Prednison er meget billigere. Prednisonflasken koster omkring $ 15 hver måned.
En lille hund har kun brug for ca. 1.5 mg Prednison hver dag. Dog skal du fordoble denne dosis, når du forventer stressende tider for hunden. For eksempel, hvis du tager hunden til dyrlægen, rejser med hende, introducerer en ny hund eller har besøgende, skal du fordoble hendes dosering.
Prognose for en behandlet hund med Addisons sygdom er meget lovende. Så længe du får hunden til dyrlægen under krisesymptomer, vil din hund komme sig. At kende din hund er nøglen til at identificere yderligere episoder, men med korrekt medicin og behandling vil din hund leve et langt, lykkeligt liv.


Christine Martin - Comment
Christine Martin31. maj 2015Reply
Hej, jeg var heldig, min dyrlæge havde mistanke om Addisons min hund, en han levede i yderligere 5 år, han var 6 år gammel, da vi fandt ud af det.

I Australien er det meget billigere at få EUD'en til at skrive en recept på tabletterne og få den hos apoteket.
julie uchtmann - Comment
julie uchtmann25 Jul 2017Reply
Min gravhund på 2 år fik netop diagnosen i sidste uge. Da hospitalet gjorde denne opdagelse (vi gik gennem en orto- og neurokirurg) var hun i krise. Hun tilbragte 3 dage på intensivafdeling og blev sendt stabilt hjem. Inden for 16 timer var hun begyndt at ryste igen og var ved at miste kontrollen over bagbenene. Jeg tog hende tilbage til hospitalet, og de tjekkede hendes laboratorier, som var blevet bedre, og jeg hentede hende senere på dagen. Efter kun at have været hjemme et par timer, begyndte hendes bagende igen at svaje, og hun så bare ikke godt ud. Jeg ved ikke, hvad jeg skal gøre! Hun er på 5 forskellige medicin, og jeg har allerede brugt $5k. Hvorfor får hun det ikke bedre? Tager dette tid, dvs uger. Jeg er helt i tvivl om, hvad mine næste skridt skal være.
angelique - Comment
angelique25 Jul 2017Reply
Hej Julie, Min hund er en gravhund blanding. Hun havde en episode for et par måneder siden og døde næsten. Det tog min hund omkring en uge at være tilbage til sit normale jeg. Hun gik meget langsomt i flere dage efter sit første skud. Hun er tilbage til det normale, selvom jeg har bemærket, at hendes personlighed er blevet lidt blødere siden dette skete, og medicinen har forårsaget vægtøgning på grund af øget sult og tørst. Min hunds dyrlæge siger, at hendes nyretal stadig ikke er tilbage til det normale selvom begivenheden kan have haft virkninger på hendes nyrer. Jeg håber, at din hund snart får det bedre!
Alicia  - Comment
Alicia 25 Jul 2017Reply
Hi Julie, I have a Chiweenie, diagnosed at 4 years old, he's 5 now. If your dog has addison's disease, theres no "getting better" sorry to say. It is an incurable disease, but managable. My pup takes 1/4 of 5mg of prednisolone every other day and .4ml of percorten v injecttion every 25 days, that will be for the remainder of his life. He spent a week in ICU when he had a crisis. To diagnose addison's disease the vet needs to do a blood test, and check your dogs electrolyte balance. If she is on 5 different meds, what are they for? Hope this was helpful. Addison's absolutely sucks, you are always at a constant worry, every time your dog shakes you think something is wrong. But if you love your dog and give them the help they need, they will live a happy life and love you back.
Diane  - Comment
Diane 25 Jul 2017Reply
My dog today pit mix was diagnosed with Addison’s and reading everyone’s posts I’m not sure what to do. I don’t have a lot of money to invest if she goes into a crisis. I have to give her a shot tonight and start her 24hrs later on prednisone
Anna - Comment
Anna01 Oct 2017Reply
I had a Chihuahua/ Jack Russell he was on 4 yrs old & stopped eating, barking,every thing but drinking. Then we went to bed & woke up and he could no longer walk or sit up. I took it to my vet. Who kept him over night and still didn't respond to the meds. She advised me that my dog was very sick and even if he was on all the proper meds he could still relapse. I seen how sick my dog was and as much as it killed me I had to put him to sleep. I cry & miss him every minute as he was my side kick. But I couldn't let him suffer. Even he knew how sick he was. I pray for you all and your furbabies. But please don't let them suffer. And this disease can run into a very expensive illness. Please put your animal ahead of your own feelings. They feel miserable too. Hugs to all.
Maria - Comment
Maria01 Oct 2017Reply
Thank you for your words my chiewawa was diagnosed today and I feel Loss I don't want her to suffer and I too am on limited income she is 15 and has been a great companion.
Kat - Comment
Kat06. december 2017Reply
Addison's is a sad disease and it's imperative that you tune into your animal friend. I have had the lovely opportunity of knowing a beautiful German Short-haired pointer who was diagnosed around 2 or 3 with Addison's. Her human parent passed away and their son, my BF, adopted her at 8 1/2 years old and she very quickly she slipped into a very grave Addisonian crisis episode. She survived and over the last 5 years I have helped care for her and came to love her as my own. Amazingly she lived to 13.5 and finally we had to put her down a few days ago. My advise is to learn and understand everything about their behavior and this disease, so as to avoid losing them before their time is up. Zoey lived a good life in spite of it all. She will be missed.
Samantha - Comment
Samantha06. december 2017Reply
Jeg har en tysk kort hår pointer, der lige er blevet diagnosticeret i sidste uge! Hun var i krisetilstand og på intensivafdeling i 3 dage. Hun er hjemme nu og startede sin første måned med prednison-piller. Hun tabte sig 10 pund under sin krise og er på grænsen til anerxisk. Da din pointer gik gennem krisetilstande, tabte de sig? Og i så fald, hvor lang tid tog det for dem at begynde at vinde tilbage?? Jeg er bare bekymret, for min stakkels baby har bare ikke helt fuld appetit endnu og ser ikke ud til at tage meget af sin vægt på igen :(
Debbie Lockyer  - Comment
Debbie Lockyer 3. januar 2018Reply
En meget trist sygdom og meget svær at regne ud, i aften har jeg været nødt til at lægge min 4-årige pomapoo til at sove, da hun var så dårlig.
lja - Comment
lja3. januar 2018Reply
so sorry for your loss 🙏🏻
AMY - Comment
AMY21. februar 2018Reply
Min tyske korthårede pointer Grand Dog er 5 og for halvanden måned siden gik han i Addison-krise, han var knap i live, da vi fik ham til akutklinikken. Jeg er glad for at kunne sige, at han klarede sig, men han har tabt sig meget, han spiser ikke, han vil ikke drikke vand, og dyrlægen hjælper os ikke med at klare det, er det normalt?
Cheryl - Comment
Cheryl21. februar 2018Reply
Måske dyrlægen skulle udskrive kvalmestillende medicin, hvis han ikke vil have mad og vand? Er din hund på steroid og percorten? Steroidet skal gøre din hund sulten og tørstig.

En af mine spaniel/point/plott jagthunde blev diagnosticeret sidste år efter at have gået ind i Addisonsk krise. Var på skadestuen i 5 dage. Tabte 20 pund. Pelsen faldt ud, var ved at miste kontrollen over benene. Ville ikke spise eller drikke noget. Hun var 4, da hun fik diagnosen.

Min anden hund, hendes søster, er også begyndt at glide. Havde problemer med diarré i sidste måned. Tog antibiotika og probiotika, og det løste problemet, men hun fortsatte med at være sløv. Desuden var hun ved at blive dehydreret, fordi hun ikke var interesseret i at drikke vand. For et par dage siden begyndte hun at kaste op. Kan ikke holde maden nede og har ingen interesse i andet end søvn. Vi har været til dyrlægen hver morgen de sidste 3 dage. Til sidst indrømmede de hende i dag, og jeg bad om, at Addison-testene blev kørt igen. De kørte dem i sidste måned og en kom tilbage lav normal og ACTH kom tilbage normal.

Måske skal dyrlægen tjekke din hunds elektrolytniveauer igen? Hvis han er på steroid og på percorten, er doseringen måske ikke rigtig?

Jeg kan huske, at da min første hund blev diagnosticeret, havde hun ingen interesse for sit gamle foder. Vi fandt ud af, at Newman's Own Organic oksekød dåsemad var interessant for hende, og hun ville spise det hjerteligt. Men vi skulle starte med babymad først. Vi skulle også prøve et par slags dåsemad, før vi fandt en hun ville tåle. Hun var på dåsemad i omkring to uger, før vi langsomt begyndte at introducere hendes gamle kibble og FreshPet tilbage i hendes kost.

Panmela A Cady - Comment
Panmela A Cady21. februar 2018Reply
en typisk addison's, dukkede ikke op på nogen test, men opførte sig helt sikkert som det, startede efter mine vinduespudsere kom, da jeg var på arbejde, og jeg er sikker på, at hun gik amok. kunne dette have udløst og episode
er dette mere almindeligt hos korthårede pointere? min er !/2 Pit and Pointer
Jeg skubbede bare som sidste udvej en prednison i munden på hende og en time senere var hun ude af krise??? alle er forvirrede
Kelly - Comment
Kelly24. februar 2018Reply
Min søde dreng, Scottie er på skadestuen hos dyrlægen i en krise, mens vi taler!!! Han var sløv, svag, kastede op, dehydreret. Jeg ringede til dyrlægen og tog ham ind med det samme. Da han lå på eksamensbordet, kom de ind og tog en afføringsprøve, et par minutter senere, da min mand holdt ham, troede han, at vores dreng havde lidt diarrea, da han så ud, det var rent, lyserødt blod! De indrømmede ham med det samme, men fortalte os, at han måske ikke klarede det! Han fik sit percorten-skud i går og i dag er han i en krise. Jeg er så knust. Denne dreng er ligesom mit barn. Er der andre, der har været igennem dette og har fået din hund til at trække igennem??!!
Joanne - Comment
Joanne24. februar 2018Reply
Vi har haft vores standardpuddel til dyrlægen to gange, før dyrlægen havde mistanke om Addisons. Han havde den blodige afføring, opkastninger, blodig diarré, sløvhed, hårtab og rysten. Hun havde mistanke om Addisons anden gang og behandlede ham med en IV, et par skud. Sendte os hjem med skud og mere IV-væske sammen med et antibiotikum, der skulle administreres, og han begyndte at blive frisk efter 48 timer. Han er en hårdere sag, da han var 11 måneder gammel, blev han diagnosticeret med hæmolytisk immunsuppressiv lidelse og måtte indlægges og transfuseres. Dette kastede en skruenøgle i alt, fordi det er en autoimmun lidelse. Hun mener nu, at han blev fejldiagnosticeret af den anden dyrlæge, og at det sandsynligvis var begyndelsen af Addisons. Han har det meget bedre i dag, lørdag, og hun begyndte at behandle ham som en Addison-krise tirsdag. Så hold fast, det stinker, men det kræver lidt tid og tålmodighed.
Vivienne - Comment
Vivienne24. februar 2018Reply
Hi Kelly,
Yes we have gone through an Addisons Crisis twice before it was diagnosed correctly. Molly was only 12 weeks old the first time the vets did not get it right and she had a second crisis, this time they found the problem, she almost died both times. Now at 18 weeks old she has a little Prednisolone each day and will have an injection once a month to begin with, she is now a happy little healthy little girl full of fun again. So don't be disheartened dogs can live a long healthy life with this disease. All you have to do is pay attention to changes in her habits and act on them. Hope this is helpful.
Veronica - Comment
Veronica27. februar 2018Reply
Min standardpuddel blev diagnosticeret med Addison-død, hun er kun 13 mdr. gammel, hun virkede fin, pludselig begyndte hun at ligge og ryste, så holdt hun op med at spise. Dyrlægen tog blod og temp, temp lav, blodarbejde kom tilbage abmormalt. Så sagde han, at det ligner Addison-død. Hun blev natten over, fik væske og steroider og begyndte at spise lidt. Hun er hjemme nu, hun er blevet sat på en sprøjte en gang om måneden, sendt hjem med steroider efter måned. Antibiotika. Hendes energi er taget lidt mere op, jeg håber, at alle har det godt. Jeg tror gud, hun blev fanget tidligt. Det var ingen diarré, ingen opkastning, jeg er nervøs for at lade hende være alene. Bliv ved med at kigge op.
Maria - Comment
Maria04 marts 2018Reply
My puppy a havapoo started to vomit on a Friday then I noticed he did eat or drink that Saturday. Took him to the vet and he said he had a virus. Sunday he still wasn’t eating and only drinking if I forced him Monday I took him back to the vet saw a different one she Suspected Addison disease but had to sent him to the hospital They didn’t think it was that told us it didn’t look good he was in kidney failure thank God my vet was in contact with them and demanded that they ran test for Addison. Overnight stay at hospital put on iv which corrected the kidney failure. Went to my vet and he’s was out on Prednisones at this time doesn’t need the shots. That was about three weeks ago still concerned as he his not quite the same puppy as before. He is eating and drinking but not as playful as before he doesn’t play with his toys hasn’t greeted us like in the past yesterday we had a bad storm with lots of wind and rain notice that he was shaking a lot and he throw up I had just started to decrease his med so I went back to dosage before. I am always looking up about this disease. So worried that it might happen again. Puppy will be two this month.
Cindy  - Comment
Cindy 11 marts 2018Reply
My 17.5 year old Bostion Terrier, we know had Addison Disease. Based off of her symptoms and chemisty work up. After reading all the post here and how much she could endure with this disease. We made the decision to put her to sleep. It has been so hard, I hurt every minute since we did it on yesterday, but we could not have her suffer any longer. She spend one night in the ER and the next monring we decided to let her go to doggy heaven. Its been so hard. This disease will turn your loved four legged furry child into someone you do not know. Good luck to all who is having to deal with this dreaded disease. God Bless!
Marcus Spiller - Comment
Marcus Spiller16 marts 2018Reply
We had a 5-year old Maltese and I noticed Tuesday that he wasn’t himself, very lethargic, no appetite, shakes, diarrhea and vomiting. Called the Vet Wednesday morning and they advised to feed him some chicken breast and broth. He ate very little, but dranked water. Was planning to take him to visit the vet if wasn’t better Thursday morning, but he passed Wednesday night. Emergency ER stabilized him for a little, but then he succumbed.. Devastated!!
lja - Comment
lja16 marts 2018Reply
how very sad. 🙏🏻
Myriam - Comment
Myriam16 marts 2018Reply
So sooty! It’s heart wrenching!
Thinking about you!
Patty Smith  - Comment
Patty Smith 14. april 2018Reply
Vores standardpuddel blev diagnosticeret for flere år siden. Han blev stabiliseret og sat på florinef-piller, som han stadig er på. 3 om morgenen og 3 om eftermiddagen. Han er i øjeblikket 5 år og har det godt. Giv ikke op. Vi får taget blod en gang om året, eller når som helst vi føler, at der kan være et problem. Så langt så godt, jeg vil ikke skifte til injektionerne af de problemer, jeg læste om.
Jennifer Donini  - Comment
Jennifer Donini 05. maj 2018Reply
Min 4-årige pit blev i går diagnosticeret med Addisons. Jeg har lige bragt ham hjem, og han opfører sig stadig meget sløv og ikke sig selv. Jeg har en fornemmelse af, at jeg kommer til at blive meget bekymret. Det lyder som mange forskellige historier om langsigtet.
Dana Forrest - Comment
Dana Forrest14. maj 2018Reply
Jeg har lige mistet min 3-årige mops, Charlie, til Addisons i går morges. Mit hjerte gør ondt. Krisen. var akut og kom så hurtigt. Han startede med opkast i onsdags, vi tog ham til dyrlægen, antog en form for mavefejl. Torsdag var der diarré med blod, så vi var tilbage ved dyrlægen, som satte ham på stærkere medicin. På torsdag.eftermiddag gik han i fuld krise, vi tog på skadestuen. han var i chok, fik en.sekundær sepsis-infektion. og døde til sidst 2 dage (og $9k) senere på grund af en blodprop forårsaget af rhe sepsis (tror de). Den eneste trøst, jeg har, er, at min familie var deres.besøgte 30.miniter.inden.han.bestod.og.dyrlægen sagde, at det var virkelig hurtigt. Hun kælede for ham. og så stoppede hans hjerte bare. Efterhånden som jeg lærte mere om denne frygtelige sygdom, indså jeg, at lægevagten ikke var helt klar. De sagde, at det var let at håndtere sygdommen med en daglig pille og et månedligt skud, men alt, hvad jeg læste, siger, at du skal være virkelig i harmoni med din hund og se efter symptomer. Det virker som et liv med konstant bekymring. Jeg skulle nok have slået ham ned før og ikke have fået min familie ind i denne enorme gæld og potentielle en levetid med fremtidig gæld, hvis han havde overlevet, men mit hjerte kunne ikke give slip. For alle, der forsøger at træffe denne beslutning, gør det, der er rigtigt for dig, men tag dig tid til at lave din egen forskning fra forskellige kilder. Og føl dig ikke skyldig på den ene eller den anden måde. Uanset hvilken beslutning du træffer, er den rigtige beslutning for dig og ingen andens virksomhed.
Donna - Comment
Donna7. juni 2018Reply
Min søn har lige mistet sin 6-årige sorte i nat til denne sygdom. Ingen symptomer, han styrtede ned i går, de skyndte ham til skadestuen, de troede, de kunne redde ham, desværre kodede han flere gange i nat, og de var ude af stand til at bringe ham tilbage. De er knuste, han var en vidunderlig hund og vil blive dybt savnet.
Casey Cox - Comment
Casey Cox7. juni 2018Reply
Min 6 gamle hund gik i addison krise i fredags, han var på hospitalet fra dengang og kom hjem i dag mandag. Men han er stadig svag og spiser ikke. Jeg giver væske og tvangsfodre ham med kylling. Var der nogen, der havde denne oplevelse, hvornår begyndte din hund at spise sig selv? Jeg er syg af bekymring over, at jeg er ved at miste ham
Steve Harris - Comment
Steve Harris7. juni 2018Reply
I see no replys to your post from 2018. I hope everything turned out ok for you and your baby. I have the exact same situation as yo posted. Friday into vet for two days. Brought my 6 year old home and I cant get him to eat.
Did your dog finally start eating on his own? How long did it take to go back to normal. Did you do anything special to return your dogs health to normal eating?
Viola - Comment
Viola7. juni 2018Reply
Min border terrier blev diagnosticeret med Addison for omkring 5 år siden. Efter at fluorinef blev stoppet her (UK) har hun været på injektioner, hvis Zycortal hver 25. dag og daglig prednison tablet. Jeg giver hende injektionerne. Da hun først var stabiliseret på medicin, havde hun det helt fint uden symptomer. Hun er nu 13.
Misty - Comment
Misty7. juni 2018Reply
Min Grand Danois fik diagnosen Addisons Jeg har aldrig hørt om dette før!!! Det er en skræmmende følelse at have min dreng til at se så syg ud og ikke vide, hvordan han skal hjælpe ham, nu hvor han får sin sprøjte hver måned, han har det godt!!!!! Hvordan end hans skud er $200 om måneden ughhh jeg elsker bare min store baby jeg er villig til at gå jeg til Dead Bare så han kan være sammen med os lidt længere han er kun 4 og håber vi har mere tid med ham
Jill - Comment
Jill7. juni 2018Reply
Jeg føler, at jeg har brug for at bringe lidt mere optimisme til denne samtale. Jeg har en 10.5-årig chihuahua puddelblanding, som blev diagnosticeret med atypisk Addison for 5 år siden. Diagnosestadiet var forfærdeligt, fordi det tog omkring en uge at finde ud af, og hun døde næsten i løbet af den tid. Men det gjorde hun heldigvis ikke, og hun har levet sit bedste liv siden da! Hun får en pille hver dag, og jeg giver hende et skud derhjemme hver måned (det er sværere for mig, end det er for hende!), men hun er glad og rask, og jeg kunne ikke forestille mig ikke at have hende i mit liv som et resultat. af denne sygdom.
Jeg er helt på linje med hendes humør, og jeg kan mærke, hvornår hun har brug for sit skud (hvis hun har haft en stressende måned med tordenvejr og dyrlægebesøg, får hun det nogle gange en dag eller to for tidligt). Så det er bestemt nyttigt at kende din hund godt. Og det er ikke super billigt, selvom der nu er en generisk for Percorten, og det er omkring $150/hætteglas, som kan vare 6+ måneder. Lær at give injektionen selv (det kan være subkutant, selvom din dyrlæge siger anderledes, min første sagde kun intermuskulær, hvilket er MEGET sværere at lave derhjemme, men jeg forskede mere og SC har fungeret fint) og det vil redde dig mange penge i det lange løb. Vi laver et komplet elektrolytpanel hvert år, men bortset fra det er vedligeholdelsesomkostningerne ikke så dårlige. Så selvom der åbenbart er mange forskellige scenarier, hvis nogens hvalp lige er blevet diagnosticeret, så tag mod – masser af hunde lever helt normale og vidunderlige lange liv med Addisons.
McKala G - Comment
McKala G7. juni 2018Reply
Thank you so much for bringing this light. We have a 10 year old American Bulldog/Lab mix who is the center of our family, who was just diagnosed this week. Reading the stories and the information on it all can be terrifying. We know he's getting older - and recognize eventually his time will come, but it's comforting to know older dogs can live through this too!
Beverley Woodward  - Comment
Beverley Woodward 7. juni 2018Reply
Min hund blev diagnosticeret med Addisons sygdom i nov 2017, hun er min baby, hun har det godt med kortisonen og blev skudt hver 29. dag, hendes elektrolytter tog et stykke tid at være i orden, men hun er god, i dag rystede hun mere end normalt, men fyrværkeri er Når jeg skulle afsted, ville jeg gøre alt for hende, ved ikke hvem der reddede hvem 🐾🐾, så skulle jeg fortælle dyrlægen om hun ryster
Vivienne - Comment
Vivienne7. juni 2018Reply
Yes defiantly tell your vet, they will probably double her daily meds for 24 hours, never wait.Vivienne
Dave - Comment
Dave07 Jul 2018Reply
I have a 8 year old boxer that was diagnosed with Addison when she was 6 months old. She's the best friend I've got !! Over the years theirs been many ups and downs,she's been through 3 vets. If you don't think things are right ,don't think twice about changing. The vet she is going to now is great !! The cost to treat this disease is high , but are friends are worth it!! I hope everyone's pets are doing well,don't give up
Chummy Roo - Comment
Chummy Roo16 Jul 2018Reply
Our almost 5 year old, female, English Springer Spaniel had an Addison’s Crisis exactly a month ago today. My husband and I were out of town and we had hired my son’s friend to come and hang out with our two dogs when my daughter was at work, so they wouldn’t be lonely. I was scheduled to come home a week later than I did, but an lucky I came home when I did. A day and a half later one of our fur babies started acting odd. She wouldn’t come in, she refused her favorite treat, actually turning around and looking into the corner. She had also developed diarrhea, which was diagnosed on the first vet visit, as gastritis. That was 11:00am. By 3:30 I wasn’t really able to rouse her. The vet suggested I take her to the emergency vet. The emergency vet is about 20 minutes away and by the time we go there, she was in a complete coma. Six days later, 9 pounds lighter, she has come home. I worry about her but then remind myself that just last Friday she has completely normal labs (today is Sunday). She had been having vague symptoms for quite sometime that could always be explained away as inconsequential. Now, after the fact, things have fallen into place. Our vet doesn’t allow us to by our own bottle of injectibled, so with the lab and injection, it was almost $400. We love her and as long as she’s not suffering we will do what we need to do to get her treatments. When she first came home, we had her on a diet of boiled chicken and rice, slowly transitioning to her regular food. One thing, we were using “Pill Pockets” and they caused horrible gastric side effects and diarrhea in both dogs. They were handy but not an option for our pups. Good luck.
Diana - Comment
Diana12. august 2018Reply
Our 10 year old shipoo was diagnosed with Cushing disease last May but was overdosedfrom Vetoryl after the vet increased dosage. He was in crisis but luckily was given prednisone right away and got better the next day. This week the vet recommended to switch to dexamethasone for 2 weeks so LDDS ca be done to see where his cortisol level at. I gave him .25 mg of dexathemasone yesterday morning and he started vomiting and muscle weakness last night through today. Don't know what to do .... we don't have money to bring him to emergency vet hospital.
Kathryn - Comment
Kathryn17. august 2018Reply
I'm wondering if anyone out there has ever had any experience with a false positive ACTH test. My dog was diagnosed with Addison's on New Year's Day of this year, but I'm starting to wonder if perhaps he really doesn't have the disease at all. Sure, maybe I'm just hoping that it's not the case, but I'm really starting to wonder. He is a 26-pound Keeshond-Pomeranian mix -- so, a male dog that is not among the breeds that are typically affected. He had a severe loss of appetite for about 6 days, followed by shaking on the sixth day, which is when he was diagnosed. He had none of the other symptoms. His electrolytes tested as completely normal last month, but he was on 2.5mg of Prednisone daily, plus Percortin (until we could no longer get it) and now Fludrocortisone, instead. I asked my vet a month ago if we could reduce the Prednisone and she said we could cut back to 2.5mg every other day instead of daily, provided we kept a close eye on him. It's been about 5 weeks and I see no difference in his behavior, eating, elimination, etc. Any thoughts?
Jeff - Comment
Jeff26. august 2018Reply
Vores 11-årige bokser kan have Addisons sygdom. Vi skal til dyrlægen på mandag til undersøgelse. Hun faldt sammen, da hun så en hund gø af hende på en af vores gåture. Hun tilbragte 3 dage hos dyrlægen, og er nu hjemme i weekenden. Dyrlægen skulle bestille testen, så forhåbentlig kommer den på mandag. Hun hviler behageligt og virker ok, men hun er meget sløv. Hun har anæmi, som jeg har læst kan være et symptom, men har ikke bemærket, at nogen herinde talte om det med deres kæledyr. Vi havde rysteepisoder med fyrværkeri omkring den 4. juli i år, som hun aldrig havde frygtet for dem før. Vi er faktisk håbefulde, at det er addisons, og ikke noget værre. I det mindste med addisons kan vi give hende medicinen og købe hende lidt mere tid.
Suzanne  - Comment
Suzanne 30. august 2018Reply
Min 10-årige Border Collie Lloyd er for nylig blevet diagnosticeret med Addisons sygdom. Det var en prøvelse at få diagnosen, da den første dyrlæge kørte blodprøver, abdominal ultralyd og stadig ingen diagnose. Den anden dyrlæge lavede en mere grundig abdominal ultralyd og mere blod og diagnosticerede Addisons. Hans symptomer var massivt vægttab, pusten om natten, sløvhed og hans sorte næse blev lyserød. Den første dyrlæge anede ikke, hvad der var galt, men satte ham på 40 mg Prednison. Lloyd begyndte at kaste op efter en uge, og jeg fik besked på at stoppe med prednison. Jeg reducerede den, da jeg var klar over risikoen ved pludselig at stoppe med så høj en dosis. Jeg skiftede dyrlæge og fik gentaget testene og reducerede langsomt prednisonen over tre måneder. Han tager nu 4 mg dagligt, og han ser godt ud. Han er ofte træt, men han ser ud til at være glad. Han går kun korte afstande, men lytter stadig efter motorcykler, så han kan løbe hen til hegnet og jagte dem. Forsøger at undgå stress i sit liv og forhåbentlig får han endnu et par gode år. Symptomerne begyndte først at vise sig, da jeg måtte efterlade Lloyd i en kennel i en uge, mens jeg var på hospitalet.
LaJean  - Comment
LaJean 18. september 2018Reply
Vi har et 8 år gammelt laboratorium, som vi har behandlet for Addisons i de sidste tre år. De injektioner, som han har brug for for sin vægt, er mere end $300 pr. måned. Er der nogen derude, der synes, at behandlingen er uoverkommelig? Jeg ved ærlig talt ikke, hvad jeg skal gøre.
Myriam coppens - Comment
Myriam coppens18. september 2018Reply
Your vet is overcharging you!
Please read what people have written.
I have a dog, 14 pounds, diagnosed with this illness. Clearly at times sadly fatal, but at other times can have a good life!
I have had to stand up to my vet in regards to cost! Don’t feel guilty! Speak up! This is your dog you love!
Helga Sowa - Comment
Helga Sowa18. september 2018Reply
Hi laJean.
I hope that your Lab has survived Addison's? Our Yellow Lab is also 8 years old and been diagnosed with Atypical Addison's. See my note previously at the bottom of the blog.
How did your lab tolerated the injections, were they Steroids also? The Vet put ours on 50 mg of Prednisone @ day but our Dog was like 'high' and hyper from it. He is now on 25 mg only but it is still not really improving. I just came from the Vet to have another Cortisol test and Urinalysis test done, hoping to have the results on Monday,May 10, 2021, to discuss further treatment.
I would very much like to know, what people describe as 'Crashes' look like. I took the dog for a walk after the Vet visit on Friday, he trotted along nicely. Sniffing on everything and lots of peeing and a good poop. Suddenly he started whimpering, hurrieng under a bush and scratching leaves, and lying on his side, still whimpering. I was so afraid he would die right there in the Park.
He recovered after 5 - 10 Minutes and I talked and strokes him all the time.
Is that what would be considered a 'Addison's Crash'? He eats well and drinks a lot of Water but he cannot hold his Urine for long. The longest was 3 1/2 hours.
He is definitely not happy and we are sleep deprived as we get up every 2 plus hours during the night.
Your thoughts would be appreciated very much and I do hope you still enjoy your Lab today.
Warm greetings, Helga Sowa,
Toronto, Canada.
Archer  - Comment
Archer 15 Nov 2018Reply
I have a 9 year old Scottie that was diagnosed with Addison’s 3 years ago. He’s doing just fine, although he has gained about 5 pounds. It’s an expensive treatment, I purchase the generic, zycortal bottle for about $300 from the vet and they administer it, it lasts approx 3 to 4 months, he’s 30 pounds. He also takes prednisone daily.
Linda J - Comment
Linda J28 Nov 2018Reply
My dog was diagnosed with Addison's about 5 or 6 years ago. She's a Westie, and she was losing weight rapidly and shaking. Google said it was Addison's, but my vet thought it was cancer. My vet said the labs were normal, but when I googled the things that were off, the ratio of potassium/sodium pointed to Addisons as well as the urinalysis due to a specific gravity that was off. She has lived a very normal life. She is a little lethargic, but that is probably the biggest issue, which is no problem at all, really. I give her a monthly shot of percorten myself, mostly due to the stress that my dog has when we go to the vet, and a daily prednisone pill. I give her .5 mg of prednisone and .4 ml of percorten every 28 days, now zycortal, due to the problems with percorten related to the hurricane in Puerto Rico. The disease is very manageable. I would recommend looking for signs of problems, like shaking or losing weight, and adjust medications accordingly. I buy a supplement from Standard Process called Canine Adrenal Support. I sprinkle a little on her food each morning and it seems to help her with increased energy. Also, I give her a Thorne supplement that is a immune system support. I make her dog food that I use in addition to dry kibble. Just For Dogs makes a great "metabolic support" dog food that is delivered to your house frozen if you don't want to make your own. I would feel terrible if I didn't do everything that I could to help my dog have the best life possible. I feel it's my duty as a dog owner. She's 13 1/2 years old now and going strong.
Myriam - Comment
Myriam28 Nov 2018Reply
Thank you for you’re great suggestions.
Very much appreciated your information!
Wish you many more years of joy!
Lauren - Comment
Lauren24. april 2019Reply
I am wondering if anyone has had an experience similar to mine. It’s a little lengthy but all the details are important. My 11 yr old pit had a Pyometra last month and had to have an emergency spay. Surgery went well and so did recovery until 4/5 days after surgery. She began carrying a toy around and acting as if it were a baby, nesting for hours a day, whining, lactating and stopped eating. She was drinking water but not much. I noticed about a week after this behavior began that she was growing weaker. The vet dismissed me and said it was nothing to worry about. I came home one day to find her unable to stand. I rushed her to the vet where her glucose was 45. Blood work was perfect and she was much better after eating. We were advised to take her to the emergency vet which we did. That vet suggested we keep a close watch but did not suspect anything abnormal. All of that happened on a Friday night. Sunday morning I woke up to her vomiting and having diarrhea. I took her back to the vet where they said her glucose was 31. Now the vet says they cannot confirm it but he feels certain she has an insulinoma. I am skeptical and convinced that the Recent spay and hormonal changes have had something to do with this. Has anyone else’s dog had low glucose during a crisis? Any feedback would be helpful.
Maureen - Comment
Maureen06. maj 2019Reply
I have a 14 year old pomeranian (Hemi). He's had addison and now blind and deaf due to MARS behind the eye. Not much studies happens with two months go onset. /This month it been hell with lose bowels and on flagel changed his food to chicken and rice now on canned stomach food mixed with rice. doing well but loose bowels continue. Anyone got answers

Lise Howe - Comment
Lise Howe26. april 2020Reply
I want to add a positive note here. I had a Addisonian standard poodle who was diagnosed when he was about three.and did just fine until he was about fourteen and a half. We got him a shot once a month (29 days) and medication - Prednisone every other day. He was fine and had a great life. When we lost him last fall, we adopted another Addisonian standard poodle. I think this one will be a little harder to keep stable but now I know that even doing everything according to schedule may not keep him stable. He gets his medication every day and his shot like clockwork, but he had been losing his appetite and had diarrhea and one vomiting episode three days ago. I had his blood work checked today and his electrolytes were out of balance. Now I know that if he starts to get droopy or vomits and gets diarrhea, it is time to head straight to the vet.For everyone with a new diagnosis of Addison's, don't give up hope. Once you get them stable, you and your precious four legged child will be fine.
Henriette Hansen - Comment
Henriette Hansen06. maj 2020Reply
Our 6 years old bishon havanaise boy had 3 month with lethargic, shaking, drinking peeing, depression, weightgain snd later weightloss. Was treated for First hypothyroidism and later also Addisson.He didnt really respons to treatment and was suffering so much. Crying and so weak. We had to put him to sleep. So hard to see him suffer like that. So sad.
Annette molloy - Comment
Annette molloy05. september 2020Reply
I have a pug 4 years old who has been diagnosed with Addisons after having her womb removed ... she has put in so much weight and is drinking really excessively and peeing so much .. she is on the normal Addisons meds...
Veronica  - Comment
Veronica 10 Nov 2020Reply
My baby have addisons disease. I just want you guys to know its an excellent site on face book. They help with your babies lab results, if you getting wrong dose. Check it out.
Sonja - Comment
Sonja11 Nov 2020Reply
For those of who has to say goodbye to your pet my heart grieves for you.
For those whose animal have continued, after treatment, did your dog/cat perk up? Do they ‘improve’? Does the depression lift? Our dog is so sad he seems so miserable.
Mona - Comment
Mona28 Nov 2020Reply
My rescue dog is nine years old and weighs 18 lbs. He was diagnosed with Addison's four months ago. Initially, I took him to an emergency hospital, and while he was getting a CT scan (vet thought he might need surgery), his heart stopped. The vet administered CPR and revived him! Now she believed he might have Addison's disease and sure enough, tests showed he does! After an overnight at the hospital, my boy was stabilized and since then, I administer a daily dose of prednisone and a monthly injection of Percorten. Today, he seems to be suffering a sort of relapse since he's shaking a lot and he doesn't want his dinner (extremely rare). I plan to make an appointment for him next week to see if his meds need tweaking. Emergency treatment was pricey, and altogether vet costs have been about $6.5K. Like all of you, my boy is family and he is most precious to me, so I'm hoping he only requires a medication adjustment. I send my very best wishes to all of you who are treating your Addison's pup!
Lyndsay  - Comment
Lyndsay 03. december 2020Reply
My dog just diagnosed with Addisons last week, she is 6, she is on steroids and had fluids yesterday but she still sleeping lots and struggles to get up. What should I be doing, should I be making her get up and move, small walks, or just let her rest ? Vets appears to gace treated her but not told me anything else.
Nancy H - Comment
Nancy H03. december 2020Reply
the correct treatment depends upon the blood work. There are tupical and atypical types of Addisons. If you are not comfortable with how your dog is doing, get a second opinion from a vet at sn AAHA accredited veterinary hospital. Ask them to review the blood work and the treatment plan developed by the vet that gave you the Addisons disgnosis. .
Nancy H - Comment
Nancy H07. december 2020Reply
I have an English Cocker. He was diagnosed with Atypical-Atypical Addisons when he was 2.5 yrs old. This unusual type of Addisons requires him to have Percorten injections every 25 Days, but NOT low-dose Steroid pills. He is now 10. We have been warned thst stressful situations could put him at risk of developing full Addisons. So far we have been lucky to avoid that.

I have found that many vets have limited experience with Addisons and NO understanding of Atypical forms of it. If your vet is unable to diagnose your dog's problem, get another opinion. Go to a specialty clinic or go to an AAHA accredited vet hospital.
Lyndsay  - Comment
Lyndsay 07. december 2020Reply
Thank you replying to my message, sadly Willow passed away Wednesday night 5 days after diagnosis. Still in shock, such a dangerous disease i wished the vet had kept her in for observation longer as she clapsed Tuesday morning and put on a drip but later returned home that day with a view that the steroids should start to kick in as long as wasn't sick. Think this was too premature to place her back with us after a crisis, hence why she went back into crisis and died in front of us so quickly as couldn't get her to the vets in time.
Iris - Comment
Iris3. januar 2021Reply
My rescue dog got very sick Dec 17th with vomiting diarhea and no appetite she's not quite 3.I took her to the vet the next day they admin IV fluids& Cerenia and sent me home w/antinausea meds&Flagyl.By monday she was worse with bloody mucus poop.I decided to bring a stool sample just in case and my Vet sent me straight to VET ER.after 4 days and all sorts of tests nothing conclusive$ 3500.00 later I still have a sick dog at home the ONLY thing that makes her better is Prednisone. 1st diagnosis was Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis Now they think Addisons the 1st Addisons was neg.I'm just beside myself.
Barbara - Comment
Barbara3. januar 2021Reply
My 8 year old Rottweiler was diag. 3 days ago w/ severe Addison's. Severely lethargic, not eating for 6 days..the Vet put her on Prednisone and the steroid shot I give at home. I am also giving her Iv fluids sub-q at home LR with B12 added. Her Bw was severe Addisons. What I found helpful from a post above..since she's not eating..BABY FOOD!!! I got the meat ones and she LOVED the Turkey(ate 1 small jar of it) and 1/2 a chicken one so far! Slowly if I can get her just eating that then progress to her dog food again will be a miracle. I pray she will get better and we can manage this illness!!! I refuse to give up on her!!! My vet says they don't have any pain with this illness which eases my mind.
Debbie  - Comment
Debbie 06. februar 2021Reply
My fur baby is a rat terrier. She was diagnosed with addisons a yesr ago. She was doing great on the percoten. A few weeks ago she relapsed between the 25 day shot. I let her doctor know what she was doing and not doing. It took IV fluids and prednisone and over a week to get her back to eating and moving. It’s so scary because they go down so fast. My girl is 9 years old and doing much better. Best wishes to every fur baby mom and dad who is going they this.
Shellia - Comment
Shellia22 marts 2021Reply
My baby is a female Beagle mix. She has been sick for at least 4 weeks. First vet I took her to tested for pancreatitis test was negative. Next vet has been treating her for nausea and giving her Carafate. We are now waiting to get Addisons test back tomorrow. She is now on Presnisolone since Friday. Her shaking has gotten better. She will not eat I have tried everything for her to eat Toni avail. She is drinking water and is still walking around good. What do I do to get her to eat and what foods ?
Maureen Beardsmore - Comment
Maureen Beardsmore04. april 2021Reply
In 2000 we got a Maltese X puppy who was eventually diagnosed at 8 years with Addisons after many misdiagnosis. Luckily Prednisone was the treatment for the problems the vet thought she had so by default it actually helped her Addisons and she was ok until at 8yrs when she had a crisis and was finally diagnosed.
With Florinef and Pred we were able to enjoy 15 years of unconditional love from our beautiful girl. Fast forward to 2019 almost 6 years after she passed and we brought home a gorgeous little Maltese X. It didn't take long for us to notice certain behavioural traits that we had seen in our previous maltese. Personality and behaviours we had not seen in any of the other 6 dogs we have had. The similarities were so obvious our family started saying it was our previous dog reincarnated! No surprise then that when at 2 years of age she suddenly went downhill with vomiting, shaking etc.
Emergency vets, fluids etc nearly lost her.
Diagnosis. ACTH stim test positive for Addisons. She is now stabilised and on the appropriate meds. We know what to expect this time so we will watch her closely in times of stress and hopefully we can enjoy 15 years of unconditional love again.
Mary-Clare Johnson  - Comment
Mary-Clare Johnson 06. april 2021Reply
Hi, my 1 year old cockerpoo Ruby was diagnosed with addisons today. She had been in the emergency vet for 2 days being treated for gastroenteritis and they also suspect poisoning.
I've read further attacks can be caused by stress?
Deanna Anzevino - Comment
Deanna Anzevino11. april 2021Reply
Hello all. I had to send my 15 1/2 year old Rocco (Italian Grey Hound) to Heaven yesterday due to a sudden Addisonian Crisis. No changes in our life, no stressors, nothing but a big question Mark as to why this happened. Reading all the above posts from so many people with different dogs I have to wonder why? Is there a common factor with all of us? Is it something that is in some dog foods or treats that causes this but not yet discovered? I wonder if anyone Is compiling info and trying to find a cause or two? Idk, I can’t stop crying, he meant so much to me and the last few days were like no other.. very sad disease..
Suz - Comment
Suz11. april 2021Reply
I am so sorry for your loss!
Helga Sowa - Comment
Helga Sowa14. april 2021Reply
Our 8 year old Lab was diagnosed with Atypical Addison disease 2 weeks ago. He was to take 5 mg Prednisone twice per day, every 12 hrs. The effect was, he needed to pee every hour, desperate to get out the door. Also lost control of his Bladder during the night, 3rd day of treatment. Obviously the dose was too high and we gave him half the dosage, 2.5 mg twice a day. He still has to pee every 2 hrs, but during the night he may last 3-4 hrs. He is eating normal, like most Labradors, always wants more!
Last night I woke up, he slept for 5 Hrs but..his bed was wet, he lost Bladder control again. This is definitely NOT what our dog is happy about and it is very stressful for us. He has never had an accident in the house or car before his diagnosis. Reading all the posts you pet lover have written, nobody mentioned anything regarding excessive URINATING?? He seems to drink a lot of water which apparently is due to the Prednisone.
He never had any shaking but we experienced Seizure like episodes, thinking he might have Epilepsy.
During a walk, when he would run off leash a bit wild for a few minutes with another dog, he suddenly whimpers, looking for some bushes to crawl under and just collapses! It's terrifying, we think it's like he is looking for a place to die. This has been happening for the last 3 - 4 years, especially during hot weather, we always carry water with us though. When it happened during a cold Wintery Walk and this episode happened, we got really, seriously concerned. We suspected he might have a Heart issue but our Vet always assured us, his heart was fine. Now, that he has been diagnosed with Addison, we do hope, the situation will improve. He will have another test in a week or so, to determine if his Cortisol level has increased. We do hope we will have another 4 yrs at least with our loving companion.
Thank you, Helga.
Lindsay - Comment
Lindsay14. april 2021Reply
Our German shepherd was just diagnosed a month ago and even with normal electrolyte levels and the two medications she has uncontrollable loose stool and urinating issues. We don’t know what to do.
Suz  - Comment
Suz 14. april 2021Reply
I would go to a vet that specializes in endocrine issues. The reason he was running Everett the bushes is because without enough cortisol their fight or flight reflex is messed up. Stress they can’t handle. I don’t know about the urination. My dog was just diagnosed and he’s only nine months old. I don’t know what to expect so I’m reading everything I can find.
Matthew  - Comment
Matthew 23. april 2021Reply
My 7 year old terrier mix was diagnosed with Addison’s after a crisis event 4 days ago. She spent 2 night at the vet hospital and came home yesterday. During the crisis event she developed ataxia and a head shake. Since being home the ataxia continues, she can no longer use the steps, and cannot jump to the couch. Any others have a dog with ataxia after an addisons crisis? Hoping with time it will resolve.
Dylan - Comment
Dylan23. april 2021Reply
My 1.5 year old rottweiler was diagnosed with addisons yesterday. luckily our normal vet is also an emergency clinic so they hospitalized her for the night. The vet said she was eating and playful which seem to be true as she isnt as skinny as she looked. She was even jumping on the vet when she came back in the room today, but when we got home after she went potty shes just been sleeping. I called the vet and they said thats normal. I feel im over reacting but i just want to be sure she is okay. does it take time for the medicine to fully work on her and kick in?
Jeanine - Comment
Jeanine05. maj 2021Reply
My 9 year old yorkie Annie was diagnosed with atypical Addisons last week. She has been in and out hospital for almost 2 months , i have been an emotional wreck! She has had Atleast 3-4 crisis during that time , never getting back to normal. She normally weighs around 6 lbs. she is now 4 and a half lbs. Annie is now on lowest dose of prednisone and has made a big improvement, she seems to be back to herself... I feel for all of the pups and owners who have to go thru this horrible disease. BTW the totaled cost has been over $5000!!
Shawna - Comment
Shawna31 Jul 2021Reply
My mini poodle mix (rescue) was diagnosed with atypical Addison’s in October 2019 at age 8. His crisis started with uncontrollable shaking on a Saturday followed by vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, lethargy & couldn’t get up to walk. He could barely stand to pee. I took him to our vet first thing on the following Monday. At first they thought it was a severe case of pancreatitis but luckily my vet ran the Addison’s test & discovered quickly that his kidneys were failing due to Addison’s. He was very close to dying. He was in hospital for two days on IVs, prednisone and 1st Zycortal injection. He started out taking .25mg of prednisone daily but he gained about 6 pounds & was aggressive when it came to food. He now takes .50 mg twice a week & zycortal injections monthly. When I know he’s going to be under great stress (ie grooming, nail clippings, company) I increase his prednisone but he’s done very well & seems happy. He sleeps more than before but that’s could be because of weight gain & getting older. I still am paranoid any time he acts out of character or doesn’t eat. My vet has been very patient with me & appreciates that I do call as soon as I see an abnormality in his behavior. Looking back at behaviors & various incidents the year before his 1st crisis, I feel like I should've known something wasn’t right. He’s been ill & has even developed an ulcer from the prednisone but hasn’t had another crisis. I don’t have a lot of $ & have probably spent around $5k since he was diagnosed but until appears to be a suffering or in pain so I’m going to do everything I can for him. I thought the diagnosis was the beginning of the end but I now see how well he responds to treatment & enjoy every second I am with him!
Friedrun - Comment
Friedrun27. august 2021Reply
Today exactly one month ago my beautiful, beloved 2-year old Australian Shepherd died during an extremely fast developing Addisonian crisis. He never had any previous symptoms, was healthy, full of fun and energy. The day before he died, he showed signs of not feeling well, was lethargic, but no such symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea or shaking. I took him to the vet that morning straight away, and he was put on a drip and kept at the hospital during the night. The blood tests on the first day showed not enough evidence to diagnose Addison's disease, or my vet was just not experienced enough to suspect this disease. The following day my dog Felix got worse, could not walk and my vet wanted him, by now very much on alert, to get an urgent MRI done. Until he could find a suitable place around town we lost a lot of precious time, and Felix was by then in an acute Addisonian crisis. I fetched my dog just after 1pm to drive him for 2 hours to the hospital where they accepted him for a thorough examination. Felix was by then half gone, his tongue hanging out, his breathing very hectic. They had to carry him into the hospital and then for 3 hours tried to diagnose his problem including some more blood tests. The doctors were eventually sure that it was Addisonian crisis. They assured us to do their utmost to stabilize Felix. We left the hospital at 6pm, and half an hour later the phone rang, and the doctor gave us the devastating news that unfortunately Felix did not make it and passed away. So absolutely without any previous warning!!! We are still in deep shock and pain about the loss of our Felix, who had just turned from a puppy into a beautiful young adolescent.
Hannah - Comment
Hannah07. september 2021Reply
My 4 year old Boxer was diagnosed Oct. of 2019 and it has been a crazy (almost) 2 years. We took her to multiple vets before the emergency vet found out the problem. The signs were clear: Lethargic, bloody stool, dehydration, shaking (like if she was cold or sick), weakness. Before taking her to the emergency vet, she would not eat, drink or move. She was unable to stand or barely pick up her head. I knew taking her to her regular vet would do no justice since she clearly wasn’t getting any better, so we took her to the emergency vet and they immediately took labs and luckily the vet there had dealt with Addisonian dogs before and made the diagnosis. She stayed overnight and the next day was looking and feeling much better. She is on Prednisone daily and PercortenV injection once a month. The prednisone has been the trickiest part of dealing with this disease but after continuous lab work and care from our vet we have finally found a good fix. There has been a time when it is a high stress environment that she will show signs of crisis and we try not to panic. We do the best we can to act quickly and call our vet to see what they want us to do. This disease can be so ugly but she has been so healthy since we squashed the problem. Do your research, reach out to other vets and ask if they deal with Addisonian dogs, try not to panic (dogs sense stress which can put them in more stress), and love on them as much as you can. Hope this helps someone!
Christine - Comment
Christine26. september 2021Reply
My dog Talisker is a Great Dane and was diagnosed with Addison’s at 2 years old. She takes Zycortal and Prednisone and we have not had a attack since the one at two years old. (She’s now 5) we were lucky enough to get her on a low dosage plan, 2.5 ml per month rather than the suggested 4 ml per month (the entire vial) and I was able to source a supplier for $100 for a 4 ml vial and learned to give injections myself. For giant breeds, this is a expensive condition. For the past 2 years she has gradually lost control of her bladder which is a result of the daily steroid. Most often she empties her whole bladder while asleep. Now, within the last 6 months, we’ve started to treat for arthritic back hips. I don’t know how much time we will have left with her but it can certainly be a draining ordeal. Best of luck to anyone going through this!
Chelle - Comment
Chelle04 Nov 2021Reply
Our mixed breed female will be 8-years old this weekend. She was officially diagnosed with Addison’s disease this morning. The symptoms came on very gradually over the past few months. I thought her trembling was due to storms and fireworks but now I know it was stress-related due to Addison’s. This past week she stopped eating which caused me to take her to the vet. They ran the blood test yesterday that confirmed Addison’s. She had her shot today and I started her on prednisone this morning. She is still lethargic and won’t eat but I am hopeful she will start to improve tomorrow. I love her and am extra attentive to her moods and behaviors. I am optimistic that she will be a success story for Addison’s.
Penny - Comment
Penny04 Nov 2021Reply
Chelle…. Did your baby ever start eating? When and what did you feed it? My 3 year old female standard poodle was diagnosed today and they suspected adddisons so they started treatment yesterday. She will not eat.
Emma  - Comment
Emma 3. januar 2022Reply
Hi. My dog, Lady a springer spaniel went into a crisis last year and she pulled through (£800 later) but is now still having to have blood tests on the 10th and 28th day after her shot. The vet keeps insisting on it but it’s costing us a fortune! Has anybody ever tried any natural remedies at all?
Martin - Comment
Martin3. januar 2022Reply
We’ve just begun and have spent about $2000 already for tests and medications
Emma  - Comment
Emma 3. januar 2022Reply
Yes. Lady for ten years has never been a big dog and the vet has always said she was healthy but this time last year she had her first crisis and declined so fast she nearly died. We went to a different vet who diagnosed her almost immediately and got her back to Heath within a couple of days. Her bloods yesterday came back stable so the vet visits are now every six weeks for her shot and every twelve weeks for her bloods. Safe to say the steroids have given her quite the appetite and she’s gained a lot of weight so no more snacks….for a ten year old dog who wants to live her best life and eat all day it’s proving difficult! It’s costing us around £125 each vet visit…….
Has your dog been the anxious type? Lady always has been timid and I hear that’s quite common with Addison dogs x
Martin - Comment
Martin3. januar 2022Reply
My Great Dane Athena was diagnosed a couple days ago, she was very lethargic, stopped eating , slept more than usual, she just wasn’t herself
We have her on prednisone and are waiting for her shots to come in. She has started eating more and more daily, we buy 3 whole rotisserie chickens and break them down and shred them for her. We even purchased entyce to give her an appetite and I want to say that it sort of worked because she did her up and come around looking for food. She has been leaving her room more and more and has become social again but not as much as she was before. We caught it in time and I’m lucky that we have a great vet that can answer any questions about treatment or anything we can ask. It’s painful to see her almost collapse and give up but she’s my everything and I can’t give up on her.
Cassandra - Comment
Cassandra7. juni 2022Reply
My little IG Archie went into an Addisonian crisis when he was 3 months old after receiving a distemper shot. He became very lethargic, wouldn’t eat and was vomiting dark brown bile. I rushed him to our nearest emergency center an hour away and he completely collapsed by the time we arrived. They told me he was likely going to die and asked if I would authorize CPR, which I did. His heart actually stopped beating, they started CPR and were able to get his heart beating again. Once he was properly diagnosed, his was back to his old self within hours, running around and licking everyone. He has done well on his meds and is now 2 years old.
Pat  - Comment
Pat 19 Jul 2022Reply
There is hope. Our now 16 year old Pug, Olive, was diagnosed with Addisons at 6 months old during an Addisonian crisis. She has takes prednisone daily and Percorten about every 25 days ever since. She has had a full happy active life. She has slowed down lately, (she is 16), but still seems happy and pain free.
Kathleen  - Comment
Kathleen 7. juni 2023Reply
My chihuahua Jax is 11 years old- she was diagnosed with Addison disease at four years old
It’s been fairly easy for her first few years with Addison’s , but the last year she has been on a rollercoaster, up and down and it’s finally getting to feel as if all her trips to her vet are not helping, only for a short while and she’s back with needing more care- she’s on 1/2 m percortin , her shot every 25 days
She threw up clear fluids today, her stools are ok , she’s moans at times and has been on a new diet, lost a lot of weight, she looks too thin , I’m off to the vet a few times a month
It’s frustrating- she’s my very best friend and u all know how precious our animals are
She’s my little baby, and I’m wondering if I’m doing the right thing by her
She’s great for awhile after treatment and fails gradually each month
I’ve shed many tears and just think 🤔, when will she return to the frisky life she’s had

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