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Det viser sig, at du faktisk kan tage din kat med en tur

 af lucy den 1. juni 2016 |
For de fleste af os synes ideen om at gå en kat i snor absurd. Katte er trods alt fri viljede væsener, der ikke reagerer godt på disciplin. Vores kattevenner vil dog svare på godbidder og ros, hvilket gør båndtræning til en levedygtig mulighed for nogle katte. Båndture går ikke bare dit kæledyr til gode ved at give ham mulighed for at få en sikker smag af det udendørs, men kan også hjælpe ham med at få mere træning, afhjælpe kedsomhedsrelaterede adfærdsproblemer og kommer godt med under ture ud af byen eller besøg i dyrlæge.
The first step towards training kitty to join you in the great outdoors is finding a harness that fits him properly. The two main types of harnesses are leads, which are made up of several straps that fit snugly around your cat’s neck and back, and vests, which are pieces of fabric worn exactly as the name suggests. Vests velcro or snap shut and give your cat more coverage, making them a good choice for felines that might be able to wriggle out of their leads. The harness should be snug, but not too tight— as a general rule, you should be able to fit a finger or two under the strapped harness, but no more.
Once you find the proper equipment, you want to introduce it to your cat slowly, using food for positive reinforcement. Leave the harness near kitty’s food dish, for example, or allow him to sniff it, following immediately with a treat. After practicing these simple steps, try slipping the harness on your cat, again using treats for positive reinforcement. You can also feed your cat in his harness and, eventually, he’ll be comfortable enough to let you fasten it. Don’t fret if your feline freezes up or walks in a weird way initially, as this is natural. He’ll eventually get used to his harness and begin to walk around in it. This is the time to attach a leash and following your cat around the household, using a slack lead. Continue to reinforce this activity with treats, and eventually you’ll both feel confident enough venture outdoors.
Din kat vil sandsynligvis være på vagt på hans første tur udenfor, så tag langsomt, stabilt trin. Bær din snorede kat udenfor og placer ham på jorden, så lad ham udforske i sit eget tempo i et roligt område. Husk at aldrig skubbe din kat ud over hans komfortzone - båndture er trods alt meningen at være en fornøjelig oplevelse for dit kæledyr. Nogle katte er naturligvis skiddy eller genert og er måske ikke gode kandidater til vandreture, så det er vigtigt at være opmærksom på, hvordan dit kæledyr reagerer på træning. Hvis han synes at være glad for at fortsætte, skal du dog huske at altid gennemføre båndtræning med en sulten kat, der vil reagere på godbidder, og altid afslutte hver træning på en positiv note, hvilket betyder, at det er tid til at kalde den afslutter, når din kat falder til jorden rykker hale for eksempel. Med lidt øvelse og tålmodighed vil mange ejere finde ud af, at de har en gladere, mere afslappet kat efter nogen tid udendørs.


Sherrie - Comment
Sherrie7. juni 2016Reply
I leash trained my cats when they were kittens. I got them use to a harness and the weight of the leash. I let them drag it around the house for a few minutes at a time. Then we would go outside. They were so busy looking around that they forgot about the leash.
PacketLoss - Comment
PacketLoss05 Jul 2016Reply
The breed of cat pictured is an Egyptian Mau, they are known to have dog-like qualities. I play fetch with mine =-)

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