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Skal jeg få kæledyrsforsikring for min hund?

 af lucy den 3. august 2018 |
Kæledyrsforsikring; er det spild af penge eller nødvendighed for alle kæledyrsejere? Her er alle fordele og ulemper:
Ifølge Canine Journal kræver op til et ud af tre kæledyr haster med dyrlæge hvert år. Med regninger, der spænder fra hundreder til tusinder af dollars, tænker mange ejere dog to gange, før de tager deres hunde til dyrlægen. Tilmelding til en kæledyrsforsikringsplan kan hjælpe med at udligne disse omkostninger og lette ejernes tanker, når det kommer til at passe deres ledsagere.
Lisa S. fra Chickamauga, Georgien
I det lange løb kan kæledyrsforsikring spare dig penge og lette hårde beslutninger, hvis din hund uventet bliver syg eller såret. Hvis du vil lære mere om kæledyrsforsikring og sammenligne planer, kan du besøge Canine Journal, Consumers Advocate eller


Kate Sarginson - Comment
Kate Sarginson24. august 2018Reply
I definitely would recommend Pet insurance especially if you have a young animal. I have always had pet insuance on my cats ever since it became available. I have had my premiums paid back multiple times. A friend's daughter got a kitten. First thing I said to her was to get insurance on it. The cost of the premium was less than 20. a month as the kitten was so young. She didn't. The kitten ate string and needed abdominal surgery 1000. plus. Three months later it was eating ribbon this time 1500. I have five cats that range in age from 3 to 16. Every year the premiums go up but it is so worth it to me. Unless you have a lot of money in the bank or a credit card with a high limit you may one day have to face having to either go into debt or have your animal euthanized. Get the insurance now. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
Frances - Comment
Frances25. august 2018Reply
Absolutely the best monthly premium I’ve ever spent. My 100lb labradoodle, age five had to have a double knee replacement $12,000. Pet insurance paid $8,000 with no questions asked. My premium is $40 per month do it has paid for its of gor the rest of her life.
Doreen Kendo - Comment
Doreen Kendo25. august 2018Reply
Can you email me the name of your carrier and plan that you have

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