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Undgå at fodre din hund med disse frugter og grøntsager

 af lucy den 18. jan 2017 |
We’re all guilty of spoiling our dogs with a human snack every now and again, but some foods are best kept away from our canine companions. To help keep Fido fit and healthy, avoid these fruits and vegetables that are toxic to pets:   1. Grapes, rais...

Gør bevægelse mindre stressende for din kat

 af lucy den 12. jan 2017 |
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Moving is stressful even under the best circumstances and cats can become especially anxious when moving house. Making t...

Hvilket halsbånd passer til min hund?

 af lucy den 06. jan 2017 |
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Your dog’s collar is one of the most important everyday tools you use with your pet, but choosing the right one can be o...

Lær din hund gode snoremanerer

 af lucy den 21. december 2016 |
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Every dog parent has watched with envy as a friend, neighbor or relative walks his canine companion seamlessly down the street. Good leash manners don’t come easily, however, and require patient and consistent training on your part.   Leash tugging c...

Hvorfor jager hunde deres haler?

 af lucy den 15. december 2016 |
Alle har forundret set en hvalp vende cirkler i et hektisk forsøg på at fange sin egen hale. Denne legende opførsel...

Hvad betyder hvæsende?

 af lucy den 08. december 2016 |
Every cat owner is familiar with the sharp, sibilant sound of hissing— the noise cats make to express fear, aggression, ...

Hvorfor puster hunde?

 af lucy den 9. nov 2016 |
Dogs pant when they’re excited, scared, and even when they get too hot. It’s a normal physiological function for our pets, but too much panting can be a sign something’s wrong. To determine whether Fido’s heavy breathing is natural or if it’s a sympt...

Hvorfor ælter katte?

 af lucy den 9. nov 2016 |
Hvis du er katteejer, har du uden tvivl oplevet din katteven ælte væk, mens han spinder på dit skød. En beroligende ...

Hjælp! Min kat er en flugtkunstner

 af lucy den 9. nov 2016 |
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Safety from predators, oncoming traffic and disease are just a few of the well-documented benefits of keeping cats indoo...

Hvorfor sparker min hund til jorden med bagbenene?

 af lucy den 9. nov 2016 |
Many dog owners are puzzled when their canine companions tear at the ground with their hind feet after eliminating. Often, they assume the behavior is similar to a cat’s— that their pooch is attempting to “cover up” his mess. This couldn’t be farther...
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