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Kan hunde fange orme fra katte?

 af wai den 03. december 2013 |
There are several types of worms that dogs can become infected with including tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms and heartworms. Dog owners might assume that as long as their dog is kept indoors or in a fenced yard away from other dogs, thei...

Protecting Your Dog's Paws Through the Winter Season

 af wai den 23. nov 2013 |
Winter can be incredibly hard on a dog's paws. While a dog's paw does form a hard callus, this does not prevent them fro...

Why Won’t Kitty Keep Clean?

 af wai den 05. nov 2013 |
One of the determining factors between being a cat person or a dog person is the propensity for pet purification. If you...

Three things you might not know about fleas.

 af wai den 31. oktober 2013 |
If you have a flea problem, you're probably trying to solve it the best way you know how.  But fleas are tough to get rid of.  They're resilient little critters.  Here are three things many people don't know about fleas.  The more you know about them...

Airlines: Safely Transporting Your Pet

 af wai den 28. oktober 2013 |
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Moving is always a pain. If you’re traveling vast distances, it’s a full on headache. You’ve got to have all of your stu...

Emotional Support Animals

 af wai den 19. oktober 2013 |
This might be news to you, but apparently there are some laws on the books that say any animal with a vest on is legally...

Pet Behavioral Medication: Pros and Cons

 af zack den 11. oktober 2013 |
So today I felt like touching on a subject with a little bit of controversy attached to it. Full disclosure: this is a touchy subject that infringes upon the borders of psychological health for both humans and animals. Regardless of your opinions on ...

A Completely Subjective List of the Most Awesome Mix Breed Dogs Ever

 af zack den 05. oktober 2013 |
So let me let you in on a little secret: most “top 3, 5, 7, 10, etc.” lists that you’ll see on the internet, are not act...

Top 5 Most Adorable Cats on the Internet

 by sinan on 26 Sep 2013 |
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Image Credit  So I was feeling a bit too manly this morning, and simply had to lower my testosterone by staring at adora...

Tilbage til skolens adskillelsesangst

 af zack den 12. oktober 2022 |
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Skoleåret begynder på ny, og det er en spændende tid for både børn og forældre. Børn kommer til at se deres skolevenner igen, fortsætter med at udvikle de skattede sociale bånd og propper noget uddannelse her og der, mens forældre...
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