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Filtered by tag ('pets')

Mens tarmorm er almindeligt blandt hunde, er hjerteorm en alvorlig parasit, der kan vise sig dødbringende, når den ikke behandles. Overført til din Chihuahua af inficerede myg, vokser hjerteorm i hunders lunger og hjerte, hvor de kan forårsage hoste, træthed, nedsat appetit og vægttab. Heldigvis er hjerteorm en forebyggelig sygdom takket være en række månedlige tyggeblader eller aktuelle behandlinger. Bed din dyrlæge om at teste din Chihuahua årligt og anbefale et forebyggende produkt til hjerteorm .

 af bora den 3. oktober 2019 |
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At være kæledyrsforælder betyder ikke, at du skal efterlade Fido på ture. Med disse tips kan du tage din hund med på dit næste eventyr. Mange hundeforældre tager deres hundekammerat med overalt, hvilket kan betyde lange ture i bilen. Om det er en w...

Exotic Pets: The Good, Bad, and The Ugly Part 2

 by zack on 12 Aug 2013 |
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  Exotic pets come in two varieties: 1. Awesome and ill advised or...  2. Quirky and uncommon I’m talking about the di...

Exotic Pets: Best and Worst Part 1

 by zack on 11 Aug 2013 |
Keeping and training a strange or unique animal always sounds fun. I think everyone at one point or another during chi...

Investigating Veterinary Insurance: How to Decide on a Policy [INFOGRAPHIC]

 af zack den 01. juni 2013 |
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After deciding whether or not your pet needs veterinary insurance, it’s time to pick a policy. With many different companies offering competitive plans, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Here is a short guide to different factors you must ...

Investigating Veterinary Insurance

 af zack den 31. maj 2013 |
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Nobody wants to dwell on it, but health and wellness issues are a constant worry for owners of older dogs and cats. Espe...

Kritikere af kattevegetarisme og veganisme sætter spørgsmålstegn ved, hvorfor insisterer ejere på at fodre deres kat denne type diæt, når mange andre grøntsagselskende dyr kan bringes hjem for at slutte sig til familien.

 af zack den 25. maj 2013 |
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We’ve gone through the basics of trimming dog’s nails and how to cut cat nails. Now it’s time go over the final details...

Animal Actors: Celebrity Quadrupeds Part 2

 af zack den 22. maj 2013 |
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Welcome back to the Petbucket blog’s official examination of famous Hollywood pets, animal actors, and celebrity mammals of all sorts! We capped things off last time with a fascinating look into the elder statesman of feline film: That Darn Cat. Toda...

Animal Actors: Celebrity Quadrupeds

 af zack den 18. maj 2013 |
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Animal actors have a long history in Hollywood. Movie magic and fluffy cute stage hands go together like butter and pop...

Sikker rejsetips på ture med kæledyr

 af zack den 14. maj 2013 |
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 With summer months around the corner, everyone is beginning to plan their vacation getaways. For a lot of people that m...

A Few Common Sense Tips for Getting Started with Pets at Home

 af zack den 29. mar 2013 |
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We all want to have some furry and lovable pets at home. But the question is: are we ready to have one?  It’s not exactly a walk in the park, (at least not all the time). Because having a pet entails so much responsibility and commitment, first time ...
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