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Clipping Claws 2: Sådan klippes katnegle

 af zack den 24. maj 2013 |
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Velkommen til del 2 af vores serie om, hvordan du klipper dit kæledyrs negle. I dag skal vi diskutere det grundlæggende ved klipning af klør på katte. Heldigvis, hvis du læser gårsdagens indlæg, er der en masse overlapning i katteteknikker til kattedyr og hjørnetænder. Dog er katte notorisk mindre sociale end hunde er, så det kan være lidt vanskeligere, hvis du ikke arbejder ekstra hårdt på at konditionere din kat til at beskære negle.

Conditioning your Cat

This process works very similarly to the one for dogs. You have to start handling a cat’s paws immediately. They are less likely to sit still for it, and much more likely to give you a painful bite or swat for your trouble. So to avoid a trip to the first aid kit, it would behoove you to wait for an ideal opportunity. Wait until your cat is taking one of its dozen daily naps and softly touch its paw. Most cats can’t stand this, so they’ll either pull away, or walk away.

Don’t force the issue. If the cat is finished then let it be. However, every time you get the opportunity this is a process you should repeat. It’s best to combine paw handling with regular petting as well. That way the cat will start to associate their paws being touched with pleasant sensations.

Eventually, the cat will become comfortable with you touching its paws. Now’s the time to take it a step further, and inspect the paw. Use your thumb and forefinger to squeeze the cat’s finger joints. This will unsheathe the cat’s claws. You can see from there whether there are any splits or cracks. Those are clear signs it’s time for claw clipping.
Claw Clipping Tools

Many of the same tools used for trimming nails on dogs can be used for cat claws as well. However, a rotary tool should never be used on a cat, and scissors style clippers should only be used on the dew claw, which tends to grow in a circle because it isn’t ground down while walking or clawing. You can even use a regular pair of human nail clippers. Just make sure to be extra cautious.

Hurtige tip

Velkommen Larry reaktion. De vil aldrig tilgive dig. Kattekviks er let at undgå på grund af deres let farvede kløer. Du kan tydeligt se den lyserøde nuance hurtigt inden i. Hvis du har en specielt squirmy kitty, så lad en ven holde den stille, mens du klipper. Ellers skal du placere underarmene godt over kattens skuldre og hofter for at holde den på plads, mens du trimmer.

Finishing Touches

6. Bandager

That’s all for today’s post. Check back again tomorrow for our final summation on animal claw clipping!


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