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Kæledyr spand blog

Hvad du burde vide om din kats fedtede pels

 af danielle den 7. september 2014 |
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Grooming, after sleeping, is probably the activity that consumes most of a cat’s day. It is thus likely an affront to feline pride that certain conditions can cause a cat’s coat to become unpleasantly greasy.
In cats, a greasy coat is far more than an aesthetic problem. It is a prominent symptom of a variety of health issues, from minor to life threatening. Therefore, a greasy coat means a trip to the vet is absolutely in order.
A cat feeling ill or in pain may neglect to groom themselves as usual due to the discomfort they experience when attempting to do so. Parasite infestation or ringworm is another potential cause. Feline hyperthyroidism, an overproduction of the thyroid hormone, is also known to cause greasy fur as the body is stimulated to secrete excessive amounts of sebum.

Due to the large range of issues that can cause greasy fur a proper diagnosis is essential in fixing the underlying issue. Simply bathing a cat with greasy fur may fix the fur for a short time, but will leave the true health problem untreated.
Keep in mind simple feline curiosity can also be the cause of suddenly greasy fur - a cat climbing into garbage or crawling beneath an oily car could coat them in grime leading to the appearance of a greasy coat. Unless you are sure mischief has led to the greasy coat it is best to be on the safe side and visit your vet due to the seriousness of the potential instigators. 

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