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Tegn på, at din hund mister synet

 af lucy den 27. oktober 2017 |
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Dogs have an exceptional sense of smell, but when it comes to their eyesight, they don’t see 20/20. In fact, our canine companions operate at around 20/75 vision, and that number tends to decline with age. No matter how old your dog is, however, vision problems can come into play and affect his quality of life.
Dogs are adept at adjusting to changes and poor eyesight will only become apparent when your pet starts making big mistakes. Even dogs with just 20 percent of their original eyesight can continue functioning as normal, thanks to their other senses and ability to memorize the floorplan of your house. Here are a few signs your dog’s vision may be declining:
  • When you throw a treat to your pet, he does not see it.
  • He is reluctant to go up or down stairs, jump off the bed or go outside at night.
  • When you move furniture, your pet bumps into it, and he hesitates in unfamiliar places.
  • Your dog only registers food as edible when he’s close enough to smell it.
  • There is a fuzziness in or on your dog’s eyes.
    Den bedste måde at bestemme, om Fidos syn forværres, er at etablere en basislinje for, hvad hans normale syn er. Dette kan være vanskeligt, da hjørnesyn er anderledes end vores eget, men med et par uofficielle test kan du bestemme, hvad der er naturligt, så du kan spore eventuelle ændringer. En teknik er blot at observere din hund, når en velkendt ven nærmer sig ham på afstand. Bemærk, hvor tæt venen er, når han reagerer, og det er den afstand, han kan se. Eller lad nogen holde dit kæledyr, mens du går langsomt hen imod ham med hans yndlings legetøj og bemærk i hvilken afstand han reagerer på at se det. Disse uslebne målinger giver dig en basislinje til en enkel, hjemme-test for at kontrollere, om dit kæledyrs syn falder i fremtiden.
    If you notice that your dog’s eyes are failing, discuss treatment options with your veterinarian. Loss of eyesight can be caused by aging, infections or hereditary factors, but diabetes and other conditions can also impact vison and there may be supplements, dietary changes and medications to help your pet. You can make life easier for a dog with bad eyes by providing him with a safe home environment. Clear walkways and leave furniture in place—or, if you must rearrange a room, do so gradually to help your dog adjust. This way, even older pets or those struggling to see can enjoy a high quality of life.


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