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Hvad din hundes bjælke fortæller dig

 af lucy den 4. juli 2018 |
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Hunde bjælker konstant, hvilket betyder, at de altid prøver at kommunikere. Uanset om han arbejder for at advare dig mod en indtrængende i hjemmet eller er klar til noget spilletid, er dit kæledyrs vokaliseringer hans måde at få din opmærksomhed på. For at forstå, hvad Fido forsøger at fortælle dig, skal du være nøje opmærksom på konteksten i hans bark.
Canine behaviorists categorize barking in many ways, from territorial and alarm barking to attention-seeking, greeting, social, frustration-induced and separation anxiety sounds. With so many different meanings behind your pet’s voice, it can be difficult to determine what’s causing him to bark. Fortunately, paying attention to what’s going on around your dog can help you understand what he’s trying to say. Some pets will bark when they’re left alone, for example, which can signal either boredom or separation anxiety. Others may have had a traumatic experience earlier in life and will bark due to anxiety when they meet a stranger.
Whatever the context of Fido’s vocalizations, certain sounds can help you get to the bottom of what he’s saying. A rapid string of several barks is a common in the canine world and is generally an alert-signal that something’s going on. Lower pitched, continuous barking usually means your dog senses a threat or imminent problem, especially if accompanied by growling. A sharp, short bark in the mid- to high-pitched range is used as a friendly greeting, while a long string of barks with pauses may mean your pet is likely is lonely and looking for a friend.
In general, low-pitched sounds, such as a growl, indicate your pet feels threatened and may react aggressively if the threat persists. Higher tones denote the opposite and are often an invitation for another dog or human to approach. Dogs use their body language to communicate, too, so pay close attention to your pet’s posture to determine whether his bark is a serious threat or part of play. The sound a dog makes while relaxed and wagging his tail can mean something entirely different than the same sound delivered through bared teeth, after all.
Lisa G. fra Martinsburg, West Virginia


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