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Måder at komme i form med din hund

 af bora den 27. september 2019 |
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Træning gavner os både fysisk og følelsesmæssigt, men at træne behøver ikke være et træk med disse tip for at komme i form med din hundekammerat.

Regelmæssig motion er til gavn for os både fysisk og mentalt, men at træne behøver ikke at være en opgave. Ved at integrere fysisk aktivitet i legetid med dit kæledyr kan du øge både dit humør mens du forbedrer styrke, koordination og generel sundhed. Her er et par tip til sjove måder at træne sammen med din firbenede ven på:

Warm up together: Just like us, dogs needs to be prepared to embark on any fitness program. Spending a few minutes warming up gradually will benefit both you and your pet.

Go for a walk: Taking your dog walking or jogging isn’t a novel idea, but this classic fitness move provides both of you with the exercise you need as well as time in nature that is proven to provide health benefits. There is no magic number for how long you should walk with your dog, but rather, you should adjust leash time to match you and your pet’s individual fitness needs. Senior pets with achy joints still benefit from walks, but may do better with two shorter jaunts, rather than one longer stroll, each day.

Try a new sport: Many pet parents think exercising with their dogs ends at walking and running, but there are numerous outdoor activities you can enjoy with your pet. Before loading Fido onto the paddleboard or kayak, however, ensure he is obedient and well-trained. With a pet that follows your commands and stays calm in new, you can enjoy hiking, trail running, camping and countess other activities together.
Play fetch: Interactive games such as fetch, agility training and nose work exercise both your dog’s body and mind. This will get you outdoors and moving at the same time as your pet, providing health benefits alongside opportunities to nurture the bond you share. These games improve Fido’s obedience training, too.

Hit the water: Exercising in a pool, lake or other body of water offers both you and your dog a low-impact work out that’s sure to burn calories. When seeking a spot to swim with your pet, be sure to avoid areas with strong currents and undertow. Rinse your pet free from any chlorine or other chemicals following a swim. Swimming is an especially good workout for older dogs with arthritis.

Sørg for ikke at overdrive fysisk aktivitet, når du træner med dit kæledyr. Nogle tegn på udmattelse af varme hos hunde inkluderer overdreven trusser, hyperventilerende og liggende, så stop straks med at bevæge dig og søg veterinærhjælp, hvis dit kæledyr viser nogen af disse symptomer. Daglig træning holder ikke kun dit kæledyr sundt, men kan dramatisk reducere problemer adfærd som tyggelse og hopping, der er forårsaget af kedsomhed og overdreven energi. Brug af tid, du nyder sammen, styrker båndet, du deler med dit kæledyr, så kom dig udendørs med din hundekammerat!


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