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Dry Nose Dog Blues

 af zack den 04. maj 2013 |
Everyone knows about the nose, right? Dogs are at their healthiest when it’s wet, cold, and buried someplace uncomfortable on the owner’s body. A dog’s nose can be a good, but not necessarily one hundred percent accurate barometer of the pup’s overal...

Kæledyrsbevis dit hjem

 af zack den 25. april 2013 |
Pets are the most adorable little pains available to contemporary pet owners. They have this nasty trick; they get you t...

Dogs Can Smell Cancer

 af zack den 17. april 2013 |
Man’s best friend has been responsible for a lot of wonderful human advancements throughout the ages. Thanks to the dom...

Dog Learning 101

 af zack den 12. april 2013 |
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Man’s best friend is often a lovable dolt. Dogs are as cute as they are dumb, but they do show occasional flashes of brilliance. There are numerous parodies of dogs being able to speak and what they might say, but the stark reality is that they have ...

Finding Forever Homes: Tips on Fostering a Pet

 af zack den 08. april 2013 |
“Love thy neighbor as you love yourself”.  I would like to start with one of the Ten Commandments since pets are in many...

Common Cat Illnesses and their Symptoms Part 2

 af zack den 01. april 2013 |
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We’re picking up right where we left off from yesterday with part two of our list of common cat ailments and their sympt...

Common Cat Illnesses and Their Symptoms

 af zack den 31. mar 2013 |
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Despite great interest, there is a lack of common knowledge about cat healthcare.  Oftentimes, we’re at a loss when our sick cats seem out of sorts. It can make you feel helpless. Spotting symptoms early will lead to quick treatment, and less overall...

A Few Common Sense Tips for Getting Started with Pets at Home

 af zack den 29. mar 2013 |
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We all want to have some furry and lovable pets at home. But the question is: are we ready to have one?  It’s not exactl...

Top 3 Heroic Dogs

 af zack den 26. mar 2013 |
We’ve all heard stories of animal bravery. It’s no wonder we refer to dogs as “man’s best friend,” when on numerous occa...

Stinky Mutts Need Showers: How to Wash Your Dog

 af zack den 23. mar 2013 |
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So you’ve spent all week wearing your dog out. You’ve been to the park, on long walks, and capped it all off with a muddy trip to a lake.  You two have been on the go and keeping active, which is all well and good, but now it’s time to get cleaned up...
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