Hunde er opportunistiske udrensere, som aldrig vil give mulighed for et gratis måltid! Dette er selvfølgelig instinktivt, men det betyder ikke, at opførslen skal være tilladt. Nogle hunde stjæler lige fra bordet, andre fra skraldet, men de fleste pro ...
You may think that all cats hate water but the gorgeous Turkish Van, or swimming cat as it is sometimes nicknamed, is su...
Heartworm is a serious and potentially fatal condition that affects both dogs and cats. Heartworm is an internal parasit...
Enhver, der deler deres liv med et kæledyr, eller som nogensinde har tilbragt tid med et kæledyr, ved, at dyr beriger vores liv. Forskning har vist, at mennesker med kæledyr er gladere og sundere. Dyr hjælper mennesker med autisme, især børn, til social ...
When people consider getting a dog, the question always arises: male or female: which is best? The answer is always tha...
Almost every dog owner has faced the problem of doggy bad breath at one time or another. Most veterinarians advise getti...
Mattet pels kan være et enormt problem for langhårede katte, men korthårede katte er ikke immun mod sammenfiltret, parret pels. Hvis de ikke bliver kontrolleret, bliver små måtter smertefulde og vanskelige at fjerne. Mats begynder med små snarl eller floker. Til sidst, affald, de ...
A puppy is an exciting addition to your family and can bring a lot of joy to your life. However, you have to make sure...
The icy-cold grip of winter has relented, and people across the US are getting outside to enjoy the warm weather and sun...
It's no secret that keeping cats active can be a chore. Unlike dogs who fetch, like to go on walks, and are generally rather active, cats don't always seem to enjoy being active. Unfortunately, lack of activity in cats can lead to obesity and, as a r...