With the early release of the pumpkin spice latte (PSL), fall is coming faster than ever. Though your dog can’t enjoy a PSL, there are other fall foods that are okay to share with them.
The following fruits and vegetables are considered in season f...
Mennesker har en række nervøse flåter, som let kan bemærkes af andre individer. En af de mest almindelige er biti...
Cats and their owners often have remarkable bonds. It may sound farfetched to outsiders, but owners often insist their b...
Hiding is common cat behaviour. However some overly shy and anxious cats can take to hiding constantly, and not just from strange visitors to the house but family members as well.
Reducing the stress levels of a timid cat is the best way to encou...
Vi har alle set en kat med buet ryg, fladtrykte ører, åben mund, med halen svirpende bag sig. Men hvad...
Dogs are naturally territorial and like to patrol familiar areas. Therefore, most dogs are happy to patrol the yard or g...
Most often we think of dogs as the ones to drag their bums across the carpet, but cats also do this when something is bothering them back there. What’s referred to as the “scoot”, cats will drag their bottoms across the floor usually when their anal ...
Grooming, efter at have sovet, er sandsynligvis den aktivitet, der optager det meste af en kats dag. Det er således sandsynligvis en krænkelse at fe...
Nogle hunde (ser på dig, labradorer) ser ud til at have en uendelig appetit på mad – dog kan andre hunde være exceptionelle...
Ifølge stereotyper kan katte leve lykkeligt på en kost med mælk og fisk. Men ligesom mejeriprodukter er det i virkeligheden en meget dårlig idé at fodre fisk hver dag. Mange katte elsker smagen af fisk, og heldigvis kan fiskeprodukter være et sundt supplement til...